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fifteen: agora hills
word count: 1349

  "Shut the fuck up!" I exclaimed as I laughed off Justin's comment. A sea of laughter flew from his lips as he threw his head back. I would be lying if I claimed what he had said didn't make my pussy quiver. Whether he was wanting 'sir' or 'daddy' in response, either worked fine for me.

I hated to let him know that sexual piece of me so early on, though. He wouldn't get to see that side so soon, maybe ever seeming it was hard for me to believe that anything other than this small little fling would be between us.

Before he could kiss me, I pulled away from him and rested my back against the elevator wall. "Where are we going?" I asked, shifting my gaze from the buttons to his face. He was already staring at me with a soft smile on his face. God, stop looking at me like that... It's making me horny.

"I don't know yet," he admitted, pulling his phone from his pocket momentarily and replying to someone's texts he had received. "I trust you," I sighed, seeming it really didn't matter where he took me for lunch, "At least, I think I trust you."

Offended and hurt, he looked up to me with an open mouth, "Wow... That's rude." Laughing it off, I moved closer to him and held his body for a split second. "I was only teasing," I smiled, taking note of the expression that had turned into a smile on his face.

The elevator doors opened to a dim parking garage that must've been underneath the building. It was lit up with yellow, dim lights that lined the ceilings. It was all concrete and cold down there since it was more of a basement. He took hold of my hand and started to lead me to the car.

The chill of the concrete hit the bottom of my socks and I gasped. "Justin!" I said while halting in my tracks, "I don't have shoes!" He turned around, looking down to see my bright, tie-dye socks.

"Oh, yeah... I guess I was too busy carrying you and forgot about shoes," he chuckled, picking me up like a bride on her wedding day. "It's fine," he huffed as he practically threw me up into the air to readjust his hold on me, "I'll just carry you again."

"Absolutely not! Not in a restaurant," I argued as he reached his black suv. He opened the door with ease, sitting me in the passenger seat. "Here, I'll run up and grab my shoes really quick," I said as I tried to exit where he had just placed me.

"Nope!" he smiled, blocking me from getting out of the car, "I'll run up and get your shoes. You'll try to change your outfit if I let you go."

Damnit. How did he know me so well already? "Stay here. I'll be right back. Time me and see how quick I can do it," he challenged. "You won't even know which pair to grab!" I conquered. He turned around with a smirk as he continued to walk backwards to the elevator, "Grace can help me!"

Before I could protest, he was in the elevator and going up to get me some shoes. I would be lying if I said his gentleman acts weren't attractive. This is princess treatment right here. Carrying me when I don't have shoes and then proceeding to get my shoes for me so I don't have to dirty my socks.

  I knew I wasn't going to be alone long, but my curiosity got the best of me. I nosily peaked into his center console. There wasn't much in here: an iPhone charger, some spare napkins from various fast food places, an aux cord that looked as if it had barely been used, and some sunglasses' cases.

Stop being nosey before he comes back, you weirdo. I couldn't help it, though. I was a very nosey person in general, but I wanted to know anything I could about Justin. I closed the console compartment, tapping my legs to keep me distracted on something else.

Curiously, my finger grazed the smooth, black leather of the steering wheel. It traveled along the radio and ac controls, back to the console. I adverted my hand to his seat where I swept my hand across the cool, patterned leather.

Scaring the absolute shit out of me, Justin knocked on the passenger window with a smile. Laughing at my reaction, he regained his smile and held up my worn Nikes. He opened the passenger door, "I got your shoes!"

  "You gave me a heart attack, you dick," I joked, slapping his arm lightly and taking my shoes from him. I slipped them on my feet, tying them quickly as Justin went around the car and got in the driver's seat.

  "I didn't mean to scare you, but I have to admit that it was funny," he giggled, sticking the keys in the ignition and starting the car. Hearing the motor rev, he started his way out of the parking garage and into the streets of NYC.

  The drive was pretty peaceful, considering traffic was always hectic in big cities. It was bumper to bumper, thank God. It was moving along pretty swiftly as long as people knew where they were trying to go. "You can play something if you want," Justin spoke, handing his phone to the side for me to grab.

  "It's unlocked," he smiled, glancing at me quickly before turning his attention back to the road. I took his phone cautiously and opened Apple Music. I scrolled through some of his recently added songs, all being good ones of course. Hmm... What do I want to play?

  A smile spread across my face as I typed away in the search bar. It wasn't added to his library, but I hoped he didn't mind me adding it. 'Agora Hills' by Doja Cat began blaring through his speakers. "I love this song, I'm sorry," I sighed, unable to stop myself from dancing in the passenger seat.

He laughed underneath his breath, smiling uncontrollably as we made our way to the restaurant. "I wanna show you off, I wanna show you off," I sang, bopping my head side to side. I couldn't help but roll my hips in the passenger seat along to the beat of the music.

  Justin hummed and tapped on the steering wheel as he enjoyed the show I was giving him. Doja started rapping the first verse and I would pop in with the lines I knew by heart.

  My eyes were closed and I was completely engulfed in the song when the car turned off. "Hey!" I exclaimed, turning to look at Justin who was watching me with a smile. "We're here," he spoke.

  I hadn't even realized we were now parked along the curb just down from a restaurant that sat a couple buildings away in front of us. "You ready?" he asked, grabbing my hand. My eyes lit up as he took my hand. I nodded, watching him drop my hand and exit the car. He quickly ran around to open my door for me.

  "Why, thank you," I playfully said, stepping onto the sidewalk and following beside Justin. He had sunglasses on and his hood up, trying his best to somewhat blend in. Thankfully, we weren't drawing any attention. We just blended into the crowd like normal people.

We entered the restaurant and were met with a hostess who sat us at a table near the back, upon Justin's request. "Your server will be right with you! Please, let us know if you need anything," she said overly polite as she handed us two menus.

author's note
— hey everyone! i hope you enjoyed this chapter. it was a bit of a filler chapter, honestly. i'm a bit more descriptive than i have to be so i apologize for dragging some parts out. also, agora hills supremacy!! anyways, more to come <3

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