Chapter 16

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   Shen Yuying hurriedly followed the driver downstairs.  They usually doesn't help carry things from the inside the house, they just transport things. So she has to pay him extra later.

 After a few minutes, they reach the post office, and the driver helped Shen Yuying carry the things.  She paid him 2 yuan, It is indeed a big amount to be paid for transport but he helped carried  the 2 heavy sacks from the building so this amount should be good.

 Although Shen Yuying could easily carry this things, It will be too suspicious.  She grew up with these neighbors,  and they knew she was a weak delicate young girl. 

    Would it be possible to carry such a heavy sack in front of them. She didn't want to cause suspicion and trouble so just pay the driver.

"Isn't this too much young Miss."

"No Uncle take it, my bags were so heavy and you carried them from the house, and there were no other passengers.  I should thank you for helping me, you keep it."  Shen Yuying insisted.
After saying thank you, the driver left happily.  He could buy a lot of good things for his children.

   When it was Shen Yuying's turn, the clerk was shock to find out that she'll be sending 2 big packages. So she quickly explained.

"Comrade, I'm going to the countryside to be an Educated youth. My parents died recently and I am an only child, I've become an orphan. These things are all things my parents saved at home and their old things. I couldn't leave them here."

The clerk looked at her with pity, an orphan girl will be sent to a remote land to farm. She has such a beautiful face and delicate hands, how will she survive in the countryside.  What a pity. The clerk thought.

   The clerk made a note on the packages, it's to explain why she's sending a big package and not to be troubled again later.

   Shen Yuying smiled at the clerk, it was indeed rare for people to send many things at once. But if you're moving out,  it's only right to take all your things with you. People nowadays do not waste anything.

And besides her background is very clean, both her parents were workers,  her father's parents are peasants for many generations and even my father is a veteran.

Her mother's parents are even more amazing, both are high level researchers who sacrificed to protect the secrets of the country, both are heroes.

Who would dare make trouble just because of few old and used things in a package.

"Comrade you fill up this form, and write the address." The clerk told her with amicable smile.

Seeing that the clerks attitude is good, Shen Yuying is happy too and flashed a genuine smile. She quickly took the form and filled them out with her information and returned it to the clerk.

"These things are heavy, and there are 2 sacks. All of these are 6 yuan."  Said the clerk.

   Shen Yuying immediately took out the money from her small sling bag and give it to the clerk. "Here you are Comrade, thank you for your service."

"Then these things will arrive in about 5 to 7 days Comrade."

Shen Yuying left the post office. She checked the time and it's already 11 in the morning,  it's almost lunch time. And she thought about going to the restaurant to eat, but seeing so many people, she changed her mind. Then she got an idea.

She hid in the alley, took out her lunchbox and filled it with meatbuns and chicken noodles soup. When she go back home, she doesn't have to cook.

Walking quickly with big steps, Shen Yuying reach the building soon. But she didn't know, theres a surprise waiting for her.

While walking in the corridor, she could see a group of people in front of her unit, and some people gossiping on the side. She could even hear Mrs. Wu from next door retelling the story of her taking 2 big sacks outside today.

What a bad luck, why would they come on lunchtime. Do they think Ill serve them hot meals. I didn't even come to them so settle accounts, now they come to me.

Very well, I was already wondering how can I take revenge with Shen Yumei for killing the original owner. Looking at the faces of these people in front of her unit, she could see the her cousins Shen Yumei and her younger brother Shen Yucheng, their mother Li Gihua and the 2 old couple.  It should be the grandparents Shen Guoqiang and Wang Lihua.

Hearing the footsteps,  they all turned to look at her.

The old woman immediately start scolding her the moment she see her coming.

"You dead girl, What kind of things are you taking away from my son's house. See if I don't beat you to death today." Shout Wang Lihua with her face so red with anger, her mouth keeps spewing curses nonstop.

It was as if Shen Yuying really stole from her. What a crazy old lady, delusional.

Wow I haven't even asked why are they here, she now started scolding me. This old woman.  Shen Yuying thought.

"Grandpa, grandma, Auntie, Cousins, What are you doing here? Come in, let's come inside the house and talk, let's not show other people our families joke."  Shen Yuying calmly greeted them, while secretly implying she's a shrew and they're giving the neighbors a free show to watch.

She let everyone inside the house, and quickly close it.


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