Chapter 22

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 Shen Yuying stayed with kids to play, and not long after everyone else returned one by one.

"Uncle, Big brother, big sister" Shen Yuying called out to them one by one.

"Xiaoying you're here, did you wait long?" Han Guohua asked as soon as he enters the house.

"Uncle I just arrived"

Big brother Han Zhiming also came and touched her head. He's more than 10 years older than Shen Yuying and totally treat her like a little kid.

The kids on the side rushed to their parents when they saw them and showed off the candies they got.

"Where did you get so much candies?" Sister Lu Meiyu asked the kids.

The kids pointed at her, she just waved her hand at them. "Sister is just few candies for them. I haven't seen them for awhile."

"You're just used to them" Lu Meiyu said smiling at her.

Song Lan came out from the kitchen to say that the dinner is ready. 2nd sister Chen Jiaojiao was setting up the table, and we immediately wash our hands and get seated.

The adults confiscated the candies from the kids and told them they can have 1 everyday for 3 days.

The big pack of candies is with Aunt and it will be kept for a long time.

The food on the table is quite rich for this era. Cabbage and vermicelli stew with pork, steamed fish, braised pork, , stir fried vegetables and rice.

Shen Yuying was shocked, this table of food is so rich, she looked around and everyone just smiled at her.

It must be for her, because she's leaving, the family wants to send her with a good food. Her eyes turned red, she must be good to this family.

After the head of the family moved his chopsticks,  everyone started eating.  Aunt Song Lan keeps putting food on her bowl, she just smiled and accepted saying thank you.

Everyone else concentrated on eating. When the meal was over, the family moved to the livingroom. The elders sitting on the sofa while the kids were playing on the floor.

Such view is quite warm. Shen Yuying felt a little jealous, we talked for awhile before she was called to the old couple room to talk privately.

"Xiaoying, the job and the house was sold.  Your job quota will be given to your 2nd sister Chen Jiaojiao, and the other one was bought by your Aunt's distant nephew. They also bought your housing unit." Han Guohua started.

He took a bunch of documents and placed it in front of Shen Yuying.

"Just stamp these documents and I will do the rest. The house was sold for 1,600 yuan and the jobs were sold for 600 yuan each, we just followed the market price, and here's the total of 2,800 yuan" Han Guohua said while handing in a stack of great Unity to Shen Yuying.

"Thank you Uncle, Auntie. I really don't know what to do with these things, as I'm leaving soon."Shen Yuying said after signing the documents and receive the money.

"What Are you thanking us for, we are not strangers.  Besides we bought the job for Xiaocheng's mother. Your second brother won't be able to divide a house soon, so its better for her to work first." Song Lan said and looked at her with pity.

"You child, why do you want to go to the countryside, Is life not okay in the city? Why do you want to suffer?" Song Lan became distressed.

"Auntie, I'm really okay. It's also good for me to go there. I will always think of my parents if I stay at home. And you also know my grandparents will always come to me to make trouble. It's better this way. "

"Then don't forget to write to us, if you have problems over there, tell us immediately.  If your Uncle and I can help, we will definitely help you." Song Lan said holding her hands with red eyes.

"I definitely will Uncle, Aunt." Shen Yuying assured the two of them.

"Xiaoying, I checked the place you'll be sent to, and I have an old comrade who works at the Public Security Bureau in the county, He was your father's good friend too. I already informed him about you, just go and introduce yourself to him. His name is Zhao Weiguo, I will write you an introduction letter and give it to him" said Han Guohua.

He knows this little girl, she's not brave enough to go to the countryside on her own. There must be a reason for her to go, she didn't want to tell us, probably so she doesn't worry us.

Her father's family must have been the reason, she's a minor and now an orphan. Although we consider her a family, But Shen Jianjun's parents are here after all.  We couldn't control anything related to her.

Her going away might be scary and difficult, but it might just be good for her to stay away from this bloodsucking family. She won't be able to protect her money and properties, she'll be tied by familial reasons.

It's better to stay away until she becomes an adult. Lest she'll be sold to someone she doesn't like. What can we do now, is to support her and make sure she's safe wherever she goes. Or else I won't be worthy of my friend's trust in me.

"Xiaoying, you don't be a stranger to Uncle and Aunt, if you need anything you have to ask us right away." Han Guohua said while handing Shen Yuying the introduction letter he wrote.

"Actually Uncle and Aunt, I have a favor that I want to ask you." Shen Yuying started.

"What is it? Let's hear it." Said Han Guohua.

Taking out all the tickets from her bag, she placed it in front of the couple.

"It's like this, Uncle, Aunt. I would like to leave these tickets with you and help me buy things and send it to the countryside. These tickets are local and I can't take it with me." Showing them all the tickets.

"That's not a problem,  how do you want to send it? Asked Han Guohua.  

There's alot of tickets, and he didn't need to ask where this tickets came from. She must have gone to that part of the city.

"Uncle, you don't have to send a lot. And you don't have to send it often. Just a few catties of grain every now and then to supplement me, and make this tickets last long." Shen Yuying explained.

"Aunt, Uncle, I just thought that I will be living in the remote countryside, it's far and I dont know anybody. So I might be bullied as a young girl. But if you send package every now and then they will know that my family is not easy." Shen Yuying continued to explain to the couple.

"They will thought I have a good family from the city. In a way it can protect me, and I can also receive extra food. "

If she'll receive package often, she will have a reason to take out some of her items from the space. But she doesn't trust her relatives, so it can only be Aunt and Uncle Han.

When the time comes, she will take out some things from the space, some dried goods and meat, and send it back to them. She won't take advantage of these good couple.

"You have a point, it's really good for people to think you have a big family in the city waiting for you. This is not a bad idea. Don't worry, your Aunt and I will send you things every month." Han Guohua promised Shen Yuying.

"Wait Xiaoying, your 2nd brother sent a few National tickets from the army, You should take them with you. It should be of help." Song Lan hurriedly search her small box in the cabinet and then gave her a bunch of tickets.

Shen Yuying was so touched, her eyes turned red. Even in her last life, nobody treated her well except Gu Zheng. Looking at the faces of Han Guohua and Song Lan, her tears fell. They're not even blood relatives but they're way better than the so called relatives she had. She felt determined  to live a good life, and make sure to pay this old couple back.


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