What did i do?

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Hyunjin and Juisung were... known for their heated arguments. Especially during their first year as a group.

Since their last fight, they were always inseparable... but good things always come to an end.

Everyone had been in the dancing room for countless of hours today.
Their comeback was so close and everyone was on the edge of burning out.

So it wasn't unexpected when Jisung started stumbling here and there.
Hyunjin was already short tempered because of vocal training, as his poor voice had been cracking all day, it wouldn't take him long before he started screaming.
When Chan ordered for practice to be over, Hyunjin was thankfull and angry too, if it hadn't been for Jisung they would-

"Hey! Watch where you're going!"

"Oh really? Then why don't you watch where you're going while you dance?!"

"I've been in there for hours you-"

"What?! I wasn't? Just, fucking see it Jisung, you can't dance."

"I can!"

"No, you can't!"

Jeongin, had been watching his two band mates and friends arguing at the top of the stairs for too long for his liking, so when he decided to stop the argument from further escalating he wasn't expecting to be flying off the stairs like a sack of potatoes.

"And you can't fucking sing!"

"Oh fuck off-"

"Stop guys!"

The moment Hyunjin tried to push Jisung off Jeongin went in front of him taking the hit.
It wasn't supposed to be strong and it really wasn't but Jeongin's feet were located in such an odd way on the last strair that it really didn't take too much force for him to loose his balance.

Before he knew it he was falling, his head banging on each strair case, everything going dark almost immediately.

"Hyunjin! What did you do?! What the fuck did you do!?"

"Is he okay?"

"Oh my God... there's blood. Call for an ambulance! Now! We don't have time! Go!"



"Mr Bang."

"How is he? Is he-"

"He had to go through an emergency operation, which did go unexpectedly well. We stopped the bleeding and his vital signs are almost back to normal."

"Where's the but?"

"You see, because of the sudden, violent head trauma, his brain had forced him into a somewhat of a comatose like state, so it can properly heal."

"And? When will he wake up?"

"That, we are not able to know. It could take a few hours, days, weeks, even,up to a few months. But since he has received immediate and proper care it is very likely to wake up soon."


"So he is in a coma?"



"They don't know."

"It's all because of you."

"You almost-"

"Jisung! You are both equally responsible. And if there's one thing that you should have understood by now is that arguing doesn't solve anything."


Hyunjin centric one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now