Energy rush

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Your request has been published! I do not like how it turned out but if I get a better idea about how to portray what you want I'll write that too.

If anyone has any requests let me know!


Today was a big day.

The biggest one so far.
The last concert of their tour.
The closure had to be just perfect.

Even though they were all exhausted after months of exercising and traveling, everyone was happy with the way things were going and ready to give their final best till their next world tour.

Hyunjin woke up earlier than he should have but since he was awake he chose to just get started with his day.
He was in a really good mood already, excited to be on stage once again and give his best.

He made a smoothie instead of a coffee since he felt awake enough.
He stretched and went for a run.

When he arrived back to the dorms, everyone was awake.

"Good morning Hyun! Did you go for a run?"

"Yeah. I have a sudden rush of energy so I felt like it would be good warm up for later."

"Mhm. It would just... don't tire yourself out this early we still have a mong day to go."

"Ugh, I know Minho. Don't worry. I got it."

"I know you do, I'm just worried for everyone. All of us are exhausted and actually Jeongin seems way paler than usual-"

"Hey, don't worry I'll spread the word. We'll all keep an eye on him."

Indeed in a matter of minutes everyone's eyes were glued on Jeongin who was by the second turning paler and paler.
When they got to the stadium Chan had to pull the youngest one aside with the rest of the members for a much needed talk.

"Jeongin-ah, are you feeling alright?"

"Yes, why?"

"You just seem really pale and you've only gotten worse throughout the day."

"Oh... I didn't notice. I must have low blood sugar, you know how I get sometimes."

"Did you eat anything today?"


"God Innie! You know your body doesn't handle strving well! Come on I have a few snacks in my bag-"

"No, Hyun I'm fine really-"

"Jeongin. You need something to eat."

"What are you going to eat then?"

"Hey, can you worry just about yourself for a sec? I ate today, plus if I want something to eat I can order it or go buy it myself okay? Let's just focus on taking your sugar levels back up as fast as possible. We have a rehearsal in half an hour."


Soon Jeongin seemed to do better.
The rehearsal started and all Hyunjin could focus on was the younger boy so when his hearing started to fade and his ears to ring, he barely noticed.

The music stopped and he hadn’t even noticed.
Everything was blurry in his mind, his body movements depending on pure muscle memory.

"Hey Hyun? Come here for a sec."

"Yeah, sure. What's up Minho?"

"I noticed, your dance was a little off. What's wrong?"

"Oh! Um- I'm just- I want to give it all later at the concert."

Hyunjin centric one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now