Are you sure?

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It is short and it's more like a soft hurt fic inspired by a movie I saw recently.

Have fun!

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us? It'll be fun!"

It was Saturday morning and everyone had arranged to live town.

Normally Hyunjin would have joined too but he had one last lecture before his finals in just about two hours. The last thing he wanted was to be absent.

"Guys, I'm really jealous and I wish I could come with you but... i can't miss today. It is a really important lesson-"

"Hyung, don't listen to Changbin hyung. He's graduated already he doesn't know the struggle. I get you. If you feel pressured just stay here and take all the time you need. This is more important."

"Thank you Innie."

He was still jealous.
He wanted to stay behind just as much as he wanted to go with them. A picnic on their favorite beach just as the summer is coming, two hours away, for a whole day. It sounded like paradise.

Yet here he was packing up his bag to catch the bus for his university.

"I'm hungry but... I'm not that hungry. Well, I guess I can buy something-"

Great. He had left his wallet at the company.
That meant he just had a few bus tickets on scattered in his bag.
No money it is.

He left his bag down and quickly made his way to the kitchen.

Just as he was cutting a piece of bread, he pushed the knife deeper than what he was intending and suddenly he felt a sharp pain.

He ran to the sink and opened the faucet in hopes that the water pressure would stop the bleeding.

He turned to look at his bloody finger only to realise just how bad it actually was.

"Oh no. Oh no, what am I going to do? What-"

Okay, let's be honest.
Hyunjin and blood... that combination could never work well.

Just as black dots almost took his vision away his phone started ringing.
With one hand under the water and while trying not to let his legs give up on him he answered the phone.

"Hi Hyun! How are you? Are you-"

"H-hyung- I- I cut my- my finger- my-"


"My finger. I- cut it- deep- blood- Oh I'm getting dizzy-"

"Hey, hey, hey. No, no. Hyunjin! Listen to me."


"Take a piece of paper and put pressure on you finger okay? You must stop the bleeding. Okay?"

"Yes, yes. I did that. Now?"

"Are you still dizzy?"

"Yes. Chan... all turning black-"

"You must lay down. Lay down now. Hyunjin, do you hear me?"

"Yes. Yes. I- I did."

"Okay. You are going to faint for a while. Can you put your legs up? Please? To not be unconscious for long-"



There it was pure darkness.
Only that soon he seemed to wake up.

"Hyunjin? Can you-"

"Yes. I- I fainted."

"I know, I know. I'm coming back okay? I'm on my way-"

"No, no-"

"Hey, we'll be there soon. We made a u-turn-"

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I just ruined-"

"Hey, what matters is you being okay."

"I lost both my lesson and I've destroyed your trip. I feel awful."

"You didn't do a thing. We'll be there in any moment, we'll visit the hospital and then we'll have plenty of time for a picnic too alright?"

"Okay hyung. Thank you."

There he was three hours later with a carefully bandaged finger sitting with his members on the sun.

Hyunjin centric one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now