I think i need someone older

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"What the fuck Hyunjin!?"

"Sung! Don't shout!"

"You just told me... how did it happen? When were you aware? What?"

"Well... I don't really know... but-"

You see Hyunjin has just confessed his love to his best friend for their silence professor.

Now, don't get Jisung wrong, he also has a crush on their math teacher but he's just five years older.
On the other hand Mr Seo is for sure on his 40's while Hyunjin has just turned 20.

And Hyunjin really didn't know how it happened.
From the first time he met him something had tickled his insides but gave it no more thought; this was his teacher either way.

But then... then he had classes with him every day and often while he was studying in the library Mr Seo would also be there and they would have small talk.

Other days he would ask him if he ate and whatever his answer was he would always buy him something from the cafeteria just down the hall of the university.

This was something he would do for others too; nothing special.
Yet for Hyunjin it was a big deal.

He had never been a real relationship and this kind of attention, especially from an older, handsome guy, oh it made him feel weak on his knees.

He loved it when he praised him for his work and when he would genuinely ask him if everything was okay or how he was feeling.


"Well, I guess, you can say that I've had these feelings for a while and and the way he cares-"

"You are delusional."

"I know. I know he behaves like that to everyone but- for me, it makes me feel special and- when I had the panic attack in the library he rushed me to the nurses office and he hugged me and he touched my hair and- and-"

"Hyun... you know how he is-"

"No, it was different-"

"Well, well, well. If it's not my favorite student. Jinnie? How are you? Are you feeling better?"

"M-mr Seo. Good morning. Yes, I'm much better, thank-"

"Tch, tch, tch. I told you Jinnie, you shall not thank me for anything. And whatever you need just call me okay? I'll be by your side immediately. I'll leave you two. Have a nice day- oh- Sung... I'm waiting for your project-"

"I know sir. You'll have it tomorrow."

"Cool! Goodbye dear students of mine!"



"I'm his favorite student-"

"Yet this doesn't make him-"

"How do you know?"

"I you were to turn around right now you'd guess."

Of course he would have been kissing another guy.
How could he have been single?


"Come on. Let's go get you someone a little bit younger."

"But I want him."

"And may you delulu become trululu but till then let's find someone like him but I don't know, I guess four years older?"

"For whom are you talking about?"


"As in Bang Chan?"


"Oh well... let's go. I would be interested."

Authors note:

I don't like it. It makes no sense but take it, this is the best it can get.
Also, this is an honest question... does everyone like older people?
I find older people so attractive.
Not just idk 5 years older but make it 10++

How fucked up am I from a scale one to ten?

And I know I don't like them because I feel more mature and other bulshit no.
I feel like I need someone older to feel safe.
Does it make sense?

Older guys especially make me feel ( not the creepy ones, I still have dignity, preferences and a type!!!!)
Safer than when I'm in a relationship with someone in my age.

I feel like I'm being taken care of...?
And I can let loose, I can feel like a child again.
There are seriously some issues underneath all of these preferences I'm sure but does it happen to others too?

(Also when I say older guys I don't mean just 40+ year old Asian actors, those everyone finds attractive plus they don't look their age.)

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