Will jumped up and began to growl next to me as Sean shoved Rachel behind him. His nostrils flared as his canines elongated and claws came out. A lot of the wolves looked at me. I could feel hundreds of eyes on the back of my head and I took a deep breath wondering when I turned into the one with all the answers.

I looked at Rachel and her eyes were wide. I'm sure the thought of her new found mate fighting for the role of alpha terrified her. I looked back at the ginger's smug face. I stood and everyone turned and looked at me. "Who are you challenging exactly?"

He turned to look at me and smiled wickedly, "Well if it isn't the she-alpha'" I furrowed my brow at his tone, "Don't worry honey I'll get to you after this quick fight." He winked and my stomach churned.

"You didn't answer my question moron."

The smile fell from his face, "What was the question?"

I rolled my eyes, "Who are you challenging?" I said it slowly this time.

He furrowed his brow seemingly confused. Everyone looked confused. He let out a nervous laugh as he said, "The soon to be alpha. Who else would I be challenging?"

"Well, seeing as there are two of them I was curious if you planned on challenging both? Or one at a time? How exactly did you see this playing out?"

He looked shocked. He turned to a few of his buddies who just shrugged. Then he turned back to look at me slightly more unsure of himself, "Obviously I don't want to mess up her pretty little face. I am challenging the gamma."

I rolled my eyes, "So you are only planning on challenging Sean?" I turned to the rest of the pack, "As you all know, when I killed your alpha," I faced the red head, "with the help of that pretty face back there,” Then turned back, "I appointed not only your former Gamma, but his mate as the alphas. So, now that I cleared that up, you are aware you will have to beat them both to obtain the alpha position?"

Will looked at me with a furrowed brow, "What are you doing?" I simply held my hand up at him as I continued my stare down with the red headed wolf.

Ginger looked puzzled, but then he smiled and raised his brows, "So all I gotta do is beat both of them to be alpha?" I nodded. "Easy."

"Great. You," I waited for his name but he never gave it. "What is your name?" I was agitated to say the least.

"Dante." He said it with that smile that made me want to punch him in the face, or throw up, or maybe both.

"Well, Dante, you are the challenger, so we'll set the terms."

He walked towards us as he said, "Sure, I'll kick his ass and then when the female wishes to submit I'll take her around back." He winked at Rachel and Sean charged. The soon to be alpha was lightning fast as he ran at Dante.

He was about to ruin everything and I couldn't let that happen. I nodded at Will and luckily he was faster than Sean. He grabbed him by the biceps seconds before he reached the red headed ape.

Sean snarled and for a moment I didn't think Will could hold him. He was wiggling and punching Will as I walked over. I looked at him and said, "If you don't control yourself he will win." He didn't stop.

I watched Rachel as she approached her mate who had almost gotten free of Will's hold. She gently touched his chest and Sean immediately stopped fighting. He looked at Rachel through glowing eyes as his chest heaved up and down. Rachel made Will let go and then she grabbed Sean’s face and put her lips to his ear and whispered, "I'm fine. Let's show these people why we deserve to be alpha. Trust Lily."

My heart swelled with pride for my friend. She turned to me and nodded. I turned back to the idiot and said, "Rachel will fight first." Everyone's mouths dropped. Sean growled at me and Will looked agitated.

"Lily, you aren't serious. This guy may be a buffoon, but he is three times the size of my sister. How do you expect this to be a fair fight?"

"What I expect is that your sister is an alpha now. She chose to share this role with her mate. So she in turn has to share all the burdens. Do you think anyone will take her seriously if she backs away from her first challenge?"

"What I think is that I would like her alive."

"Then have some faith in her. She has been training with you her whole life. I've seen her take you down on numerous occasions. She can do this and she has to. I could tell everyone that I'm the she-alpha and it is my word that challenges are dumb, because brute strength alone does not make for a good leader," I made sure to say the last part loud enough for every wolf to hear. Then I lowered to my normal tone, "but you and I both know that won't be enough. Would you rather her go through all of this on some random day when we aren't here? Or maybe they will just attack her when she's alone. She needs to prove to her pack that she is strong enough to lead them." He didn't look convinced.

Rachel grabbed his shoulder as she said, "I can handle this." He didn't look so sure, but he nodded.

Sean wasn't as easy to convince, "No." He said matter of factly. "I will not stand back and watch as my mate fights this male in my place." Rachel grabbed his face and kissed him fiercely. It was like watching star crossed lovers at the end of a romance movie. I raised my brow as she pulled him as close as possible. It was like she couldn't get enough of him. Then, she swiftly pulled herself from him and nodded at Ava.

“Somnum” Ava spoke the word as she twinkled her fingers, which I'm pretty sure was just for effect, and Sean fell unconscious. Rachel caught him, then turned to hand him to Will.

She kissed his forehead one more time, then turned to her opponent as Will walked away carrying Sean fireman style. "One hour. I need to change out of my dress."

"Fine, but the witch stays here. I don't want any funny business." Ava nodded and I followed Rachel to the room we got ready in. It was the Luna's private dressing room. It had light wood floors, a fuzzy white rug in the center, and thick purple curtains which were closed, blocking the view from the outside. Rachel went to the white vanity and pulled out a makeup remover wipe. She cleaned her face, then from behind a cozy chair she pulled out a blue duffel bag. I recognized it instantly from all the years we were on the run. It was worn, with scuffs all over it and a few small holes.

"You know you're Luna now. You can get a new duffel bag if you want."

She smiled, "I like it. I have fond memories of running with it. Plus, it's the last thing I have from home." I smiled and then she got serious, "So what's the actual plan? Because I know you aren't sending me out there to fight that guy. He'll kill me."

"That's exactly what I am doing. That guy is an idiot. You need to shut him and his friends down. Today."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"You're the alpha, you tell me."

She looked surprised, "I, I don't know. "

"Not to be harsh, but this was always going to happen. Whether it was this buffoon or another one, not to mention Seth." That was Moonstone's old Beta. The one that fled the night I killed Erik. "He can show up at any time and try to take the alpha role from you."

"Fabian still hasn't heard from him?"

"I haven't heard from Fabian, but I'm sure he would let me know if he found him." Seth had been running in the direction of Wild Fang that night, but no one had seen or heard from him since. It was almost as if he just vanished. He may have gone rogue, but he could come back at any moment and try to claim the alpha position.

Rachel seemed anxious and distraught as she thought silently. She looked scared and for a moment I thought I made the wrong choice. Maybe she wasn't ready for this kind of responsibility.

"You need to be able to face them on your own, or you won't stand a chance once we leave tomorrow." I was already nervous about leaving her. Rachel was many things and I think she would make a great leader in so many ways. I just didn't know if she was strong enough for it.

She was pensive for a second longer, then something in her face changed. Her brow was furrowed as she said, "Well he's obviously going to underestimate me." She was looking at the ground as if she was devising a plan. She began pacing, still looking at the floor as she spoke, "I can use that. He's going to be cocky at first. If I can get my first hit to be a critical one I can win."

I smiled proudly at her, "You are going to make an excellent alpha."

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