
Will and I walked through the woods in our wolf forms with the rest of the rogues and White Claw's warriors. Ansley walked directly in front of us with her head down. She knew we would feel more comfortable if we could see her and keep a close eye on her. At least she was smart.

Then we heard a distraught woman's voice, “Ans? Has anyone seen her?”

I found the source of the noise and saw a woman who seemed to be in her lower thirties carrying a small boy. The woman had blonde hair and couldn't have been more than 5’5”. The boy looked to be about two and was sporting the same blond hair as his mother.

Then Ansley looked at the woman and I felt the relief wash over her body. Her voice sounded like a young child, “Mom?”

My face fell. This woman looked far too young to have a daughter Ansley’s age and it made my heart ache to think about what the rogues had done to her. Her mother saw her and I saw her body physically relax and then she ran to Ansley. 

The little boy screamed, “Annie!” And I couldn't help the smile that came to my face.

Ansley's mother wrapped her in her arms and Ansley gripped her mother and brother back. One of the guards stopped at the commotion and I told him to proceed as Will and I would escort them back. He nodded once and moved ahead.

I turned back to the little family as Ansley's mother pulled away, only slightly. She cupped her face as she spoke. “I was so worried about you. Where have you been?”

“It's a long story ma.” Ansley’s face was filled with anguish and regret. She turned to look at me, but I kept my face stoic. While this moment may have melted my heart a little, I still didn’t trust the girl. Part of me knew she wouldn’t be so brave to do anything stupid, but I have learned in life to trust people’s actions. And Ansley had already done something stupid, not to mention her aura. While it wasn’t as strong as Will’s or Shane’s, it was still strong enough to know I should keep my guard up.

Her mother didn't question her anymore; she just hugged her one more time before they began walking hand in hand. I would think they were mind linking if it weren't for the fact that Ansley didn’t have her wolf yet.

Will and I followed behind them and eventually we were back at White Claw. Cady and Florence were waiting outside. Cady immediately ran up to Drew and hugged him.

Florence looked at Gamma Lawrence and nodded once. Then she said, “Well, I suppose we need to find lodging for everyone.”

I smiled at the kindness in her voice.

Gamma Lawrence stepped up next to her and looked at the crowd of Rogues. The warriors had surrounded them. And tensions started to run high.

Lawrence spoke up in his usual stoic manner. “You have nothing to fear. As long as you are deemed loyal enough and not a threat you will be given lodging. But everyone must be questioned first. It is for the safety of our pack as well as your own safety. Anyone who does not wish to join us can leave once they have been questioned.”

I made my way toward the front to where Cady stood with Drew. Cady threw me a dress and Will some shorts. We shifted and threw them on quickly.

Cady looked at me, “So, how'd it go?”

“Well, I can most definitely check Shane off my list. He is not my mate.”

She laughed, “You're better off that way.”

I laughed as well, “Maybe he wasn't meant for me, but I admire him. He is a strong and loyal alpha.”

Will interjected, “Yeah, I guess he was starting to grow on me.”

Her Prophecy: Not His LunaWhere stories live. Discover now