
"You knew my grandma?" I couldn't keep the skepticism out of my voice. The woman in front of me looked like a hippie. Like she had been hanging out with the human wannabes. My grandmother was a proper witch who liked to do things by the book. At least that's what I had heard. She died when I was a baby.

"Yes. She was a beloved, powerful witch. I always thought she would become an elder in that coven of yours. She sure as hell was stronger than any of them."

"They aren't my coven anymore."

"Yes I see that."

Shadow interrupted, "Actually, that coven is getting a little out of control." I didn't look at him, I just stared at this woman. I tried reading her, but she had a blocking spell up. She smiled at me knowingly.

"Where did you meet her?"

"That is a fabulous story. Would you all like to come in and hear it over a cup of tea? Unless you'd rather stand out here all day." She smiled again. She was so chipper. It annoyed me. She led us through her front door. I watched Will duck his head so he did not get hit with the vines that were hanging from it. "Sorry about that dear. I know they need a trim, but they are just so beautiful."

Lily looked it over as she said, "Is it a flower?"

"No." Well that was cryptic.

I analyzed it for a moment, "It's poison Ivy."

"Very good. Did you take herbology?"

"No, but we all know not to go near it."

"Yes. It is great for deterring unwanted visitors."

Will added, "It never bothered me."

I looked at the witch closer, "It's not werewolves she's trying to keep out." Poison Ivy wasn't as powerful as some of the other plants, but it was usually a warning of what was to come. I was definitely more on edge walking under it to get in her house.

She smiled at me again. What was up with her? Witches didn't smile this often, at least not any that I had met. It was seriously unnerving.

Her house was very cozy looking. Lily probably loved it. I could never see myself living here. I preferred something more modern. The living area was the first room when you entered. It had a cobblestone fireplace, cherry wood floors, an ivory colored loveseat, and a matching ivory rug. There were little knick knacks all over as well. They were little forest creatures: bears, rabbits, foxes, they all lined her mantle. The one that caught my attention though, was a little white wolf.

I stepped toward it to take a closer look when she took me by surprise, "It's a beauty isn't it?"

I looked at her and nodded. "Reminds me of someone I know."

"Yeah, it looks like Lily." I shot an incredulous look at Will who just furrowed his brow at me. The boy didn't know the definition of mysterious.

"Really?" The information seemed to peak her interest. "I was unaware she is a white wolf." She looked Lily up and down, seemingly assessing her.

Lily responded, "Yeah, I was pretty surprised myself. I suppose it goes along with this prophecy." The old witch just nodded and clicked her tongue as she continued eyeing Lily.

I didn't like her interest in this subject, so I decided to change it, "So you said you had a great story about my grandma?"

She turned to me and smiled like nothing had happened. "Yes. Actually it's rather embarrassing for myself. We were just children, maybe fourteen. I was practicing my magic near a mountain. My father was a high warlock in our community and he wanted me to take over for him when I came of age. I practiced day in and out." Her jaw line stiffened at her words, but she continued. "Well, I was practicing levitating. I had a boulder lifted above this cave I had found. It was the largest object I had levitated at that point in my life. I was so proud, but I got cocky." Her face became extremely serious now. "I began to bounce it up and down in the air, until I slipped. As I fell, the boulder fell as well. It crashed above the cave, forcing an avalanche of boulders to start tumbling toward me. I tried to put a force field around myself, but it just wasn't working. I prepared for the inevitable, for the avalanche to crush me like a bug. But it never happened. When I looked up, I saw the boulders were all floating. There were at least a hundred of them just suspended over my head as if they were tiny little bubbles."

Her Prophecy: Not His LunaWhere stories live. Discover now