I woke up before the sun. I was nervous to find out what it was like here, but anxious to spend some time with Shane and actually get to know him better. Maybe under all that male bravado my true mate was trying to get out. Something felt different with him. I wasn't sure if it was a good different, or a bad different, but I was determined to figure it out.

I got up and showered, once again I had my own bathroom. I would believe every room in this house had its own bathroom. The shower was made of pure marble and the tub was a jacuzzi. The toilet was in a separate room and I had my own vanity to do makeup and hair, although makeup took me not even five minutes and I just brushed my hair and let it air dry.

I walked back through the bedroom to get to my duffel. I was pretty sure there was a walk-in closet through the other door, but I didn't bother checking. I grabbed a pair of boot cut jeans and a navy sweater. Then I finished the outfit with my old worn out combat boots I had found at a Payless when I lived in the human world.

I proceeded back through the sitting room to the door that led to the hallway. I stopped briefly and listened. It was very quiet and I wasn't sure if everyone was still sleeping as the sun had barely peeked through the windows. I opened the door as quietly as possible and tiptoed down the stairs, through the foyer toward the kitchen. I only knew how to get there through the dining room, which no one was using.

I entered the kitchen and saw many people at work. No one seemed unhappy, but they were definitely hurrying around. I could tell they were all Omegas, the weakest of a pack, as none of them would even glance in my direction.

I noticed the pretty redhead from the night before and walked up to her. "Hi, I'm Lily. Do you guys need any help?" She curtsied and my brow furrowed. "Please don't do that."

She looked worried and said, "I am so sorry. I don't know what I am supposed to do."

I laughed, "It's fine. You aren't supposed to do anything out of the norm. Just tell me your name and what I can do to help."

"I'm Ophelia. And there isn't really much to do. Everyone has their jobs." She was short with me, but not rude.

"Do you know if Shane is up?" She looked surprised. I guess they all take the alpha thing very seriously around here. I wasn't planning on following that rule, though.

She brushed it off and said, "Yes, I saw Alpha go into his office."

I started to turn around, but then stopped, "What do you think of your alpha?" This time I definitely caught her off guard. She looked like a deer caught in headlights. Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at us. I turned to them, "What do you all think?"

Ophelia spoke more confidently now, "He is an excellent leader. He is strong and powerful."

"How does he treat you?" No one spoke. They looked at each other not knowing what to say. They seemed to be afraid to speak.

Then from down the hall I heard his voice, "They will never speak ill of me."

"Because they adore you or because they fear you?"

"Both." I turned around to see him leaning against the door frame. He looked so sexy in his green Ralph Lauren polo. It was the perfect shade that made his hazel eyes look like they were glowing even though they weren't. He stared back at me and I wanted to go to him and wrap my arms around his neck and never let go. But then I heard Ophelia sigh next to me. I looked at her longing expression as she stared at him and part of me was upset that she was staring at him the same way I was, but a bigger part of me was curious about it.

I turned back to him, any lustful feelings gone now, "Well then Alpha, explain to me what that means."

He smiled slyly and let out a small laugh before saying, "It means that many of the alphas before me led the same way Erik did. That doesn't mean that I do."

Her Prophecy: Not His LunaWhere stories live. Discover now