
I awoke from a dreadful sleep to something fuzzy rubbing against my body. I moved to feel what it was and felt myself fall to the ground with a thud. I groaned and opened my eyes to see red ones staring back at me. I jumped a little before realizing it was Lily. She tilted her head to the side as if to ask if I was ok.

I groaned again and then tried to stand. I was a bit wobbly and had trouble staying upright. Lily stood close and I knew she wanted me to lean against her for support. I struggled a little longer before giving in. I looked at her and then at Will questioningly.

Will responded as he was in human form. “That girl you found drugged us with Wolfsbane.”

I let out a murderous growl which had me almost falling to my knees. Luckily I was still holding onto Lily and just leaned on her a bit more.

“Why did you bring her? And why did you come there in the first place?”

“I'm not sure. She was in distress and I wanted to help her. She didn't even have a wolf yet. I didn't think it would be a problem. Then she mentioned Ophelia had gone toward the explosion and logic stopped. I thought maybe someone had hurt her.”

Will nodded, but he still didn't understand. “Look, I can't describe it, but as an alpha I always want to protect. Protect those who can't be protected. This little girl came to me and she was scared and alone.”

“Seems like someone knew you would help her.” I let go of Lily feeling a bit more sturdy on my own feet. At that moment she shifted.

She stood in front of me in all her perfectly naked glory. Her body called to me as if she were my mate. My eyes began to glow and I had trouble restraining myself. I wanted to grab her and wrap us up together. I wanted to claim her as mine right here.

I let out a low seductive growl and Lily looked at me in shock. I took a step toward her and she took a step back. I smiled knowing I would love nothing more than to run after her right now. The chase is my favorite part.

Lily's brow furrowed and she went to speak until Will beat her to it. “What the hell is going on right now?”

I looked at him and let out a growl daring him to get between us.

He laughed, which made me growl louder. His eyes glowed right back at me as if he could beat me. Then Lily stepped back into my vision with a scowl on her face.

“I would also like to know what the hell is going on?”

I side eyed Will who had immediately shoved his wolf back down.

Lily all but growled, “Well?”

I furrowed my brow at her, “Look at you.”

“We are out here trying to find your mate and you're telling me that you still feel the pull to me?”

I furrowed my brow further. I had momentarily forgotten about Ophelia. I wasn't sure about the prophecy, but Lily didn't seem to have a pull toward me anymore so why was I still feeling these emotions? I looked at the ground unable to answer her.

“Ok we don't have time to dwell on this. We need to find her. The sun will be up soon.” She was right. I could see the beginning stages of morning light peaking through.

“I don't think I can shift yet.” I could walk on my own now, but I was still too weak to shift.

“It's ok as long as we keep moving I think we can still find her. We are back to where we started. I can smell her scent although it's much weaker now.” She paused for a moment as we started walking but then she said, “So is there something we need to know?”

Her Prophecy: Not His LunaWhere stories live. Discover now