We made it back to the house and I didn't know what to do. As I entered through the front door I looked up to find Ava looking back at me. 

Her stoic face met Damon’s, “You're lucky you came back. I don’t want to tell you what I had planned when I realized how long you’d been gone.”

Damon’s eyes got wide and he stammered. “I-we- umm…”

I laughed and looked at Ava, “He explained everything, stop making him nervous.”

Ava looked at me and smiled. Then she looked back at Damon mischievously, “The uncontrollable shifter is not one I'm willing to trust my best friend’s life with.”

I looped my arm through hers and led her to the dining room. “Come on. We have a lot to talk about.”

We sat as Damon headed to grab us some tea. 

Ava interjected before I could start. “So, he’s not sure what to do with the vampires?”

I shook my head.

“A war is coming.”

“You could see it?”

“I didn’t have to. It’s in the air.”

I took a deep breath and exhaled. “Now what?”

“I’m guessing we’re in it?” 

She was asking me if we were staying to deal with the fallout or if we were going to leave and let Damon deal with his own mess. I gave her a meaningful look and she knew: I wasn’t going to be able to leave Blood Moon until I knew that this had been dealt with. I wasn’t willing to leave and sacrifice so many lives because of it.

“Are you willing to sacrifice your own?”

I looked at her again and I knew she already knew the answer. She didn’t have to read me to know what I was thinking. Ava was my best friend, my sister. It was an unlikely bond. Witches and wolves tended to co-exist, but never have they been aligned, let alone bonded. She knew me better than almost anyone. Most days, she knew me better than I knew myself. I could never leave them, but I would never ask her, or anyone else, to stay.

“Because you don’t have to.” She responded to my thoughts. I smiled at her. It was nice to know that even when I was being reckless she always had my back.

It was then that Damon walked back in with a tray of tea. He placed it on the table and began handing it out.

Then Ava said, “So I guess we have you to thank for getting the prophecy in motion.”

I furrowed my brow as I looked at my friend.

Damon said, “Excuse me?”

“Well, there’s almost always a catalyst to these things. A death, a birth… a coming of age.”

Damon looked confused. Then he looked at me questioningly.

“You’ll get used to the cryptics. She means because you only just became alpha when Tony decided to invite you all to meet me.”

Clarity hit his face. “I guess I never thought of it like that.”

Ava continued, “You were the last one of the group to become alpha. The prophecy states eight alphas who think they are her mate.”

“We are getting off topic Ava.”

“Right. Vampires.”

Damon queried, “Have you ever dealt with vampires?”

Her Prophecy: Not His LunaWhere stories live. Discover now