We walked over to the dining room where I found Cady, Florence, Ava and Will seated waiting for breakfast.

Cady greeted us by saying, "Jeesh, could you have taken any longer? I'm starving!"

"You waited? You should have started without us."

Florence stated, "Oh no, that would be poor manners. We must always wait for the alpha and his mate to eat."

"Oh." Was all I could think to say because that sounded ridiculous.

"Jeesh Flo, could you sound more hoighty toighty?" Cady said in her usual mocking tone.

"I have asked you to never call me that, Cadence."

She enunciated her name to annoy her. I laughed and then shot Cady an apologetic smile. She smiled back seemingly unbothered. The waitstaff walked in and gave us our plates.

Almost immediately, Florence turned to me and said, "We should have a girls day and go shopping!"

I looked at her with surprise. Shopping in general was not something I enjoyed. I had a feeling shopping with Florence was going to be even worse.

I turned to Shane hoping to somehow get out of it. "Well I came here to get to know your son."

All he said was, "It's alright."

Well that didn't work.

Florence added, "Besides I'm his mother I can tell you everything about him!" She smiled so wide it must have hurt.

I turned to Ava and she shrugged. Then I turned to Will, "Think you can handle being by yourself for a while?"

He didn't even look up as he was inhaling his second helping. "Yeah, I could actually go for some training.” He turned to Shane. “Is there any way that I could jump in and spar with some of your men? I promise I won't hurt them too much.”

Shane raised an eyebrow, "I guess we'll have to see what you got."

"Well it's settled. How about noon?" Florence said, all too giddily.

Shane disappeared right after breakfast. But it didn't matter because Ava pulled Will and I up to where their rooms were located. They were nowhere near as big as mine, but they were still large rooms with their own bathrooms and closets. 

We went into Ava's room which had a beachy look with beige walls. She ushered us in and sat us on a white  couch as she shut the door quietly behind her.

"What's going on? Are we being ambushed?" Will said jokingly.

"No, but I am so close to breaking through Melinda's wall. There's one thing I need to pick up while we're out shopping today.."

"You know we are going to the mall right?"

"Yeah, but there's one of those cliche hippie stores in there. I'm pretty sure they will have what I need." She paced back and forth. "I still don't know what they are planning, but I overheard something good. She was talking to a man. The voices were muffled, but it was definitely a man. And they were talking about you."

"Me?" I didn't know why the witch would be talking about me.

"Yeah. Whoever it was was very mad that you were meeting the alphas. It sounded like he had some kind of a deal with the coven. He specifically said he was supposed to have you to himself."

Will growled, "Fabian."

Ava said, "There's no way to be sure, but that would make a lot of sense."

"Yeah, it's gotta be him. I mean he was with Erik while they were plotting. At least you can confirm he was always involved now." Will was quick to accuse Fabian.

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