I must have been knocked out for longer than I thought because I looked up at the winter sky and I noticed it was beginning to get dark. Being a summer baby, I couldn't wait for the weather to start warming up and for the sun to last well into the evening. I was marching toward where I assumed Shadow would be: back at the border. I was not happy with him, but he was a damn good alpha. He was going to be at that border as often as he could until he knew the threat was gone for good.

I smelled him before I saw him. I picked up my pace wanting to yell or scream at him. How could he just decide for the both of us that his aunt knew best. He could have talked to me, told me what she had said. But instead he decided to make this decision without me.

I saw him standing with Paul and marched right up to him. I had every intention of telling him off, until his eyes met mine. It was like I was trapped in his gaze. I wanted to kiss him. I leaned toward him as if my body had a mind of its own. Luckily it didn't. I thought of him pulling away from me earlier and the scowl returned to my face.

"How could you not talk to me about this?" I wasn't yelling, but my voice was loud enough that all the guards at the south border could hear us, especially with werewolf hearing. I could see those closest to us turn away.

"Lily." Hearing his deep rugged voice say my name in such an apologetic way was almost enough to make my knees buckle. I inhaled a shaky breath as I tried to remember why I was here.

Luckily I was angry enough to push the feeling away. "Don't you dare!" He looked sad. "I saw her. Your aunt."

"Where?" He seemed surprised. I guess he knew she had left.

"She trapped me in some mind prison thing." He growled. "I'm fine. But what do you care? We aren't mates right?" He had a pained look, like I stabbed him. "I mean your aunt knows everything? Isn't that what you think?"

"Please? It's not that simple. She told me, well she told me some pretty bad things."

"And you believe her?"

"She's family."

"Yeah family that has threatened my friend and given you zero answers, even though she knows more than she’s letting on."

"I know it's crazy. She keeps a lot of secrets from me. But she has never lied to me."

"So that's it? You are just giving up on us? What if she's wrong?"

His voice got slightly louder, "Do you think this is easy? Do you think I don't want to be your mate? I have literally been dying inside. But what my aunt said made sense and I trust her. It would be selfish of me to keep you when you aren't mine to keep." His words hurt me, but after he said them, my connection to him began to falter. He was perfect in so many ways, my mind knew it. He was literally my ideal mate, but his denial, his refusal to put up a fight spoke volumes to me. Shadow was a great alpha, but alpha’s were known to be possessive when it came to their mates. That is what everyone said. How could he be my mate and not even believe in us? Still my heart ached at the thought.

"Fine. I don't even want a mate who would give up on me so easily." With that I turned on my heel and marched away. I could feel him watching me. But he didn't take a single step to come after me. It hurt to know that I was wrong. I felt the tears welling behind my eyes as I thought of losing him. But I couldn’t stop. What good was being a she-alpha if I didn’t have a he-alpha to fight for me?

I had walked at least half a mile by now. I hadn’t looked back, but I knew he watched me until I was out of sight. I could feel his eyes on me, until suddenly I couldn’t. I took another step when I felt a tiny pinch in my heart. I slowed my pace, but as I took another step the anger started to fade, along with my intense feelings for Shadow. I took another and felt a sort of clarity. I stopped walking and looked back, but he was nowhere in sight. Thoughts of him flooded my brain: the day we met, the day on the mountain, our encounter at the border. None of it triggered an emotional response any more, and I didn't understand.

Her Prophecy: Not His LunaWhere stories live. Discover now