Chapter - 1

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Pete and Vegas arranged every thing for the Graduation dinner while Tankhun arranged all the decoration. Kim and Chay arranged the music and speakers. While Porsche arranged the bar section. Lian and Kuea came along with Tharn and Type. Kinn received them.

Lian - Sawadeekhap P'Kinn

Kinn - You guys are here... welcome

Type - I hope we are not late, P'Kinn.

Porsche - No, no you guys are on time. We are waiting for you.

Saying that Porsche came near Kinn and others.

Kuea - Where are the kids P'Porsche?

Porsche - Arm and Pol went to pick them up from the school.

Tharn - Then let's go inside and keep the cakes in the refrigerator. So they won't know about it.

Kinn - Cakes?

Type - Yes P'Kinn, it's Sky's and Rain's birthday tomorrow.

Porsche - Pete and I bought gifts for the kids as well.

Kuea - But I am worried because it's their 18th birthday.

Kinn - Don't worry, we all are here. We can help them if needed.

Pete - Guys, come inside. Everything is ready.

Pete called everyone inside ending the conversation between the three couples. Type and Lian went into the kitchen taking the cakes along with them.


Porsche's phone started ringing as they entered inside.

Porsche - Hello

Arm - We picked up the kids and we are on the way.

Porsche - Okay. How much time will you guys take to reach?

Arm - fifteen minutes as per the map.

Porsche - Okay. Drive safe.

Porsche ended the call and announced that the kids will reach soon. Everyone sped up the works and got back to their places hiding to give surprise to the kids. No one thought it was calm before the storm.

On the other side Phayu, Phai, Sky and Rain were in the car. Phayu and Rain were sitting beside each other. While Phai and Sky sat together because Rain didn't give an option to change their seats.

Rain - P'Phayu

Phayu - Yes raindrop

Rain - What gift are you going to give me and Sky ?

Phai - Why should my brother give you both gifts?

Rain - Because it's our birthday tomorrow.

Phayu - Should I give a gift to you both?

Sky - Of course P'Phayu. You are the only one who cares about us. Unlike someone else who always finds reasons to fight.

Phai - Who are you referring to?

Sky - Why should I tell you?

Phai - Can't even take the name and blame properly but you expect to get a gift?

Sky - Who said I expected a gift from you? Even if you are the last person on this planet, I would never expect anything from you.

Phai - Now who is the one who started the fight?

Sky - I didn't even start fighting with you. I just gave you an answer for your questions.

Phai - You blamed me first

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