Chapter - 6

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Sky and Phai were sleeping together when Lian and Kuea wanted to check if Sky needed any help. Since Rain got to know about his second gender, Lian and Kuea also thought Sky might also find his second gender. If Sky didn't find his mate, he would require his parents near him. So they both went to Sky's room only to find both Sky and Phai sleeping together with legs and hands on each other.

Lian - These two...

Kuea - Will never change Hia...

Lian - They were fighting with each other just an hour ago not to feed cake to each other.

Kuea - Now they are sleeping as if one of them is going to run away if they lose their grip on the other.

Lian - About that.... we need to talk Kuea...

Kuea looked at Lian in surprise. But they closed the door and left the room and went back to the garden area. Everyone was relaxing after celebrating the graduation party and birthday party. Lian made Kuea sit and he took a wine glass and a spoon. He requested the attention of everyone stating that he needs to announce something.

Lian - Attention.... Everyone....

Everyone looked at Lian.

Khun - Don't tell me that Sky also found his mate.

Pete - Really?????

Porsche - Who is that?

Chay - Is he handsome?

Macau - Is he cute?

The husbands laughed at their questions.

Lian - We don't know if Sky found out his mate or not. But this announcement is related to Sky for sure.

Type leaned into Kuea and asked him - What is it?

Kuea - I too don't know Phi. Hia didn't say anything to me as well.

Lian - Sky wants to go to England for his higher studies.

Everyone - What?

The next morning

The early morning sun rays passed through the windows and hit the closed eyes of Rain who was sleeping peacefully in Phayu's embrace. Rain started moving in sleep as he was disturbed by the light rays. Phayu tightened his grip on Rain.

Rain -

Phayu - Five more minutes.... Please.... Today is a holiday.....

Hearing Phayu's voice Rain woke up and saw him.

Rain - Phi.... Phi Phayu....

Saying that Rain removed himself from Phayu's embrace and sat on the bed and started waking up Phayu.

Phayu - Hmm...

Rain - P'Phayu (In a louder voice)

Phayu - What's wrong Rain ?

Rain - What are you doing on my bed?

Phayu woke up and sat on the bed beside Rain.

Phayu - Excuse me....Rain, this is my room.....You are on my bed..... don't tell me you don't remember what happened last night?

Rain nodded his head in no.

Phayu - How can you forget such a wonderful night Rain?

Rain - What do you mean by a wonderful night????.... wait a minute.... these... my clothes.... where are my clothes?????.... who changed me????....

Phayu leaned forward to Rain, kissed his forehead and was about to kiss Rain's lips. But Rain stopped him by closing his lips with his hands. Rain's eyes started having tears making Phayu worry.

Phayu - Why are you crying?

Rain - You... said....that...

Phayu - I was just teasing you bunny.... You were exhausted after finding out your second gender. We didn't do anything. I just helped you clean up and made you sleep.

Rain immediately took the pillow and started beating Phayu.

Rain - You always tease me.... I hate you.... I hate you....

Phayu - Ahh.... Haan.... Rain... it hurts....

Saying that Phayu grabbed the pillow tight from Rain's hand and threw it aside and pulled Rain into a hug.

Rain - Don't touch me... Ai P'Phayu..... don't.....

Phayu kissed his forehead again to make him stop.Rain rubbed his forehead where Phayu kissed him and was about to throw a punch at him. But Phayu caught his fist.

Phayu - Rain.... you remember what happened last night right?

Rain - About what?

Phayu - About us.... Us being mates... I want to know how you feel.... I know it won't be that easy to share your feelings now but can you give me a chance?

Rain looked at Phayu in confusion. Phayu laughed at Rain's cuteness.

Phayu - Can you give me a chance? To love you, to take care of you, to make you depend on me, to help you, to share your feelings, to share your emotions, to share your life with me?

Rain was surprised because Phayu never spoke to him this sweet. Rain pinched Phayu to which he let out a whimper. Rain then pinched himself.

Rain - Aw.... it's real... P'Phayu..... are we really mates?

Phayu - Did your second gender show someone else as your mate?

Rain shook his head in no.

Phayu - So Mr.Rain Thiwat Kirigun, are you willing to give me a chance to prove that I am worth to be your mate?

On the other side,

Sky woke up earlier and saw the person who wrapped his legs and hands around him. Sky couldn't help but smile to himself.

Sky - P'Phai.... move...

Phai - Sky... let's sleep for some more time....

Sky - Get up.... you koala.... you are heavy.....

Phai - No.... let me sleep.... I want cuddles....

Phai pulled Sky closer to him and hugged him tighter. Sky huffed and went back to the bed.

Sky - What will you do when I won't stay here anymore?

Sky whispered to himself unknowing that Phai also heard him.

Phai - What do you mean by you won't stay here Sky?

Sky - Phi.... you woke up?

Phai - What do you mean by you won't stay here Sky? Answer me now.

Sky was silent..... he has never heard Phai speaking in this tone with him nor Phayu not Rain before. It was like he was seeing a new person in front of him. Sky got up from the bed and sat. Phai followed him, sat beside Sky and looked at him as if asking him to answer his question.

Phai - Sky

Sky - Phi... I planned to go to England for my further studies.

Phai - And you didn't even think about me before deciding?

Sky - P'Phai, can I ask you something?

Phai - What is it you want to ask?

Sky - What are we Phi?

Phai - What do you mean? Your Dad and my Dad are business partners.

Sky - I am asking about us. What is the relationship between us?

Phai - We are childhood friends.... we are Phi - No

Sky - P'Phai... I am asking you for real... and for the last time.... Who am I to you?

[ Author's Note - Next update on reaching 80 votes on all the chapters.]

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