Ch. 5: Temple in the City

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FUCK NAH! I'm not afraid of that fucking guy at all! I'm only afraid of one old man, and it's my old man! No one's taking Gramps' no. 1 spot any time soon! That being said, once I was finally away from old man Phillippe, a huge feeling of relief immediately washed over me, and I still have no idea why. He should be significantly weaker than me, yet he's able to ingrain this deep sense of anxiety in me.

I let out a sigh. I just added a new person on my hit-list once I get myself back to normal. I'm going to give that guy the hardest headbutt he'll ever get he's gonna suffer the same 'amnesia' his own grandson is going through!

Hehehe~ maybe I can ask the Paladins to help with my revenge as a favour, those guys owe me a thousand-fold after all.

Anyways, after mister servant finally came back to the East pavilion with my wheelchair-- notably very out of breath and drowning in his own sweat-- he was promptly informed that he would have to wheel me back to my room immediately, and help me prepare for a visit to the temple before noon. I'm pretty sure I watched his soul leave his body for a good moment and he likely lost consciousness while standing up, so I had to make sure he was fine. He did run what should've been a two-hour or so roundtrip walk in approximately 20 minutes. I doubt an average person could do that unless their life really depended on it. Alfred must be a very scary boss.

But after he recomposed himself, mister servant dutifully wheeled me back to my room--at a leisurely pace, of course, I didn't wanna kill him-- and he had me change into some 'outside clothes.' Some pretty garish clothes that would have been on par with Mr. Paillart's outfits, if only his clothes weren't obviously a lot more expensive by comparison.

The average person would probably be jumping over the moon for the chance to be dressed in luxury, but I just feel like William whenever he has to go with me to a meeting with his higher-ups. That guy can be a bit of a stick-in-the-mud, but even he dislikes getting into clothing like this. Is this punishment for all the times I made fun of him having to wear his garish Paladin uniform?

Then after all preparations were done, mister servant wheeled me over to the East entrance where I boarded a carriage separate from old man Phillippe and the princess. Alfred had to ride with old man Phillippe, so unexpectedly, the same mister servant was chosen to accompany me and wheel me when we arrive at the temple. I think I saw his soul almost leave his body again when he was told this. I couldn't help but feel bad for being the one responsible for everything that's happened to mister servant thus far. I'm really sorry, mister servant.

Once he managed to compose himself down, he got on the carriage with me, and the three carriages-- mine, old man Phillippe's, and the princess' met up with a small convoy inside the gates of the Velisaria estate and we headed off for the city temple. Right now I'm quietly looking out the carriage windows while we wait to arrive at the temple. Of course, I'm looking out in case I get any more clues about where this kingdom is, but nothing so far.

I let out another sigh. I feel so drained. Is this because of how weak this body is? I really want to rest. Can't this day end already?

"Master Julius, are you not looking forward to visiting the temple?" Mister servant suddenly brought up conversation, and I looked away from the window to look at him.

"No, it's not like I wasn't going to go or that I didn't want to go, but they could've at least listened to me. I am the one who's getting dragged there without any input. I could've wanted to go tomorrow, no?" I explained to mister servant, and he nodded in agreement.

"I see. Yes, I think I understand. That would explain the expression on your face, young master." Mister servant responded. Have I been wearing a specific kind of face since earlier--disregarding the fact I'm wearing this Julius kid's face right now. What impression was I giving off? Did I look down, or maybe annoyed? I guess I'm still bothered by what happened earlier then.

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