16 | Admiration

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Luwen was at a loss.

While accompanying the lord, she often stared off into emptiness. Idle time was a luxury she didn't have while running errands for the matriarch in the past. It felt strange to do nothing.

Despite that, she remained guarded.

Her instincts set in. She kept her mind occupied by learning all the routes in the manor, including the confusing turns and corners. She remembered the hours when the guards would switch between their shifts. Memorized the faces of those servants and counted them, especially those who worked closely by the lord's side to serve him every day.

Gradually, she began noticing several things, such as confirming the suspicion she harbored during the banquet.

Being a war hero wasn't enough for Dai Yichen to win all hearts. Once, Luwen caught some of the Elders' expressions after their council meeting. As they filed out of the room, their whispers carried along with their hidden desires.

Despite the Dai brothers' equal abilities, the Elders had dedicated decades to the clan. Even if they didn't express their views publicly, it was obvious their loyalty remained with the previous lord—Dai Huchen.

Many prayed for his full recovery, hoping for him to reclaim back his title as the lord of their clan. They preferred working for a legitimate clan heir, not a child born out of wedlock.

However, Luwen disagreed with them. 

For a war hero, she thought Dai Yichen deserved better treatment. More respect. Especially considering how he quickly took on his brother's responsibilities without enough time for his own preparation for such an important role.

Her heart tightened, her anger simmering within her. It was infuriating. The world was inherently unfair and always would be. Not unless humans stop their conspiracies or evil influences and truly appreciate a man for his talents.

And it didn't seem like Dai Yichen was ignorant of the whispers circulating around him. In fact, he didn't confront them and remained nonchalant. His priority, it seemed, was to carry out the role of the clan's lord diligently.

Because of this, Luwen couldn't stop her feeling of admiration for him growing from a tiny seed to a sturdy tree. It took root in her heart and kept growing beyond her control until she realized she needed to stop.

Feelings were dangerous.

He was dangerous.

She was on a mission. Therefore, she must rein in her emotions and get herself under control.

This morning, they arrived at the practice grounds. Several men and women were already engaged in their daily training. Luwen felt a sense of familiarity, as it brought back memories of training at a similar practice ground in the Xia clan, though she was never an observer.

Adrenaline rushed into her blood veins. Her heart pulsed a little more excited because she was secretly yearning to wield a sword and feel her body move like the wind. Wishing to have complete control over her own body.

She wanted to be free from her shackles.

However, she could only sit and watch as others trained without her.

Dissatisfied, her eyes wandered across the grounds and found the lord. She wasn't aware that being his escort meant watching him while he trained.

Cords of muscles rippled underneath that simple black robe he was wearing. As he was engaged in a sparring match with his subordinate, she couldn't help but marvel at the speed and deftness in his movements. He could easily surpass the abilities of the best Xia clan fighters.

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