26 | The Yue Clan

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The information from Luwen's maid was accurate—the Dai clan had received an invitation to the banquet held at the Yue clan to celebrate their lord's birthday.

The carriages were ready. Servants were busy packing and loading their luggages for the journey across the regions, including gifts to present to the prestigious lord of the Yue clan. Dai Yichen intended to leave with Yerong, a couple of his guards and servants, but Luwen requested him to take her along with him. Mainly because she had three reasons.

One, he was her protector.

Two, she needed to find out more about Dai Yinzheng.

Three, the matriarch's spy was watching.

Dai Yichen frowned at her, startled by the plea in her tone. "It's a long journey to the Yue clan," he said. "You understand what this means if I take you along with me?"

She nodded. "With me by your side, you will reassure the other clans that both our clans are currently on truce. It will be just like when you took me to the tavern in the city."

He let out a frustrated groan, remembering the day he took her out on the streets. With her by his side, he could assure the public the war had stopped for good.

"That," he turned away quickly, his face looking ashamed, "was different. It was before I truly understood you as a person. Now, I don't wish to have you stand by my side in public like a captive in our possession."

His words made her heart skip a beat.

Weeks ago, he was someone who detested her greatly, but it wasn't the case now. He appreciated her better, treated her like someone he respected, and would sacrifice to ensure her security.

Luwen smiled in gratitude. "I thank you for your kind words, my lord, but I fear others do not share the same opinion as you. Everyone knows my clan has sacrificed me and this fact won't change," she pointed it out. "However, I do not mind their gossip. You should take me with you and use me to make a public stance—that the Dai clan is not one to be easily trifled with. This isn't just a birthday banquet, isn't it? This is actually an opportunity to refortify the alliance between the Ten Great Clans."

The Xia clan wasn't part of the alliance—they never were. They were the horses that threatened the herd.

Dai Yichen's astonishment was evident before he smiled at her. "Has anyone told you how intelligent you are? You would make an excellent inspector instead of a princess. Nothing seems to slip past you."

"I was praised once before." By the matriarch.

Luwen winced at the memory. That was how she got selected to be the replacement soul for the princess's body and wound up here as the war bride.

Concern lingered in Dai Yichen's ash-gray eyes. He wanted to speak his opinion, but she didn't give him a chance until she was certain she convinced him.

"As your wife, how can I not accompany you on a trip like this?" she reasoned. "The banquet will be attended by lords and their wives from the Ten Great Clans. If you go alone, especially when it's your first appearance as the lord, what would others say about you? That you can't even manage your own wife? Having me there will stop others from belittling your strength and magnify your achievements. You're the war hero, after all. You stopped the war with your own powers. Be proud."

His eyelashes fluttered as he blinked, his frown disappearing from his face. He actually looked...bashful, maybe because unable to get used to his achievements or her praises.

"You will have to socialize with the other wives," he reminded her. "They may dislike you due to your connection with... the matriarch."

"I'm aware of that," Luwen said. "It doesn't matter what their views of me are. I care about you more. It's important for you to establish your ground and prove your worth as the new lord in the assembly. I will give you my support in every way possible. Besides, didn't you say you will protect me? Leaving me alone in the residence isn't upholding your promise."

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