Quick Recon

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After I finished cleaning everyone's plates, I went back upstairs and sat down on my armchair. Formulating a plan involving a foreign spaceship was going to be extremely difficult. Thinking back to last night, some of the components used to power the Ghost might not exist here, and the ones that did were back at the autobody shop. Of course, I couldn't return there, and one missing piece could mean the ship never flies again. Leaving my job couldn't have come at a worse time. Why did this have to happen the same night I freed myself from the shackles of corporate America? Perhaps more importantly, the ship would be under heavy surveillance from law enforcement. They sounded unsure of what the vehicle was last night, but the confusion would be cleared up when reports started coming out. If the news confirms it's a spaceship, then there's no way any of us would get there. News...I need to check the news! I quickly pulled out my phone and checked Twitter to see if the spaceship incident was trending. Thankfully, it wasn't yet, but it might happen sooner than later. And to keep piling on the sadness, my parents' vacation only lasted six more days. They certainly wouldn't approve of beings from another galaxy living in our house, and I can't just abandon them. I have to follow through on the commitment I made. Even if luck was on my side now, time definitely wasn't. Realizing this, I looked out the window one more time, and seeing nothing of note, I went back downstairs to put my plan into motion.

Turning my attention to the Ghost crew, I waited for them to meet my gaze so I could start the process. "Alright, is anyone here a mechanic?" I asked. "I am," Sabine answered. "And who here has good vision?" Kanan raised his hand. "I need both of you to come with me. We'll be back soon," I announced to the remaining members. I turned away and walked to the front door, with Kanan and Sabine following behind me.

I got in the driver's seat of my truck and drove towards a spot that would become all too familiar to us. "Kanan, I need you to look out the window on my side and tell me if you see anyone near the Ghost," I said. We couldn't take chances with the authorities, and I wasn't in the mood to craft a backup plan. "There's four police cars there," Kanan pointed out. "How convenient," I said. I parked further up the road and gestured for everyone to follow me. "Remember the route we took last time?" I asked Kanan and Sabine, who nodded in unison. I took off running towards the tall grass but was held back by Kanan. "Do you want us to get caught?" He whispered harshly. I slowed my pace to a careful walk until we got close to the ship, slowly peering out of the grass to confirm the coast was clear. Once it was, we snuck to the far side of the wreckage of the Ghost. "Sabine, you and I will look around to see what needs repairing. Kanan, look out for anyone and anything. I fear we won't be sitting pretty for long." I instructed. Sabine volunteered to look on the hull while I assessed everything on the ground. The back of the ship seemed perfectly fine minus a blown engine, but as I walked towards the front the look of hope on my face faded into an upset one. A sizable chunk of metal under the airlock was mangled, and both the windows to the cockpit and the nose guns were void of glass. They could definitely see me here, I need to hurry up. The same issues occurred on the opposite side and I was certain the underbelly of the ship took the brunt of the damage. "Kanan, where's Sabine? She should have finished up by now," I said, worried something had gone wrong. "She's inside the ship Y/N, there could be damage we might not see from out here," he replied. Right on cue, she climbed out of the Ghost and jumped down next to us. "Finished," she said. "Let's get out of here before they find my truck," I remarked, knowing we couldn't take any chances. As we were about to retrace our steps back to the truck, an officer noticed our presence. "Freeze! Put your hands behind your head and get down on the ground!" he shouted. Not a chance. Come and get me, fatso. "Follow me!" I told Kanan and Sabine. We took off through the tall grass and went deeper into the green blades, stopping to make sure he couldn't find us. "The officer is going away from us," Kanan whispered. "How do you know that?" I countered. We couldn't see anything and he barely knew the area. "I'll explain everything once we get to safety," he replied. "We all have stuff to say, don't we. Now let's move." Jogging towards the road, I was surprised to learn my truck was right where I left it. We quickly got in and carefully drove off to keep our low profile. We soon arrived at my house, ready to report our findings to the crew.

"What did you learn?" Hera asked me. Taking a deep breath, I started to speak. "I have good news and bad news. Good news first. The damage was nowhere near as bad as we expected it to be. The lower half of the ship should be in working condition if we work fast, but- "The upper half needs some more work. A lot of shattered glass and missing metal. We can make some repairs from the inside to speed up the process," Sabine interrupted. "Yes, but there's another problem," I continued. "A police officer saw us today, and they're gonna reinforce the area around the Ghost. We can't even think about repairs if we can't get there in the first place." The media will be all over this. I'm at my breaking point. Why did it have to be me to get stuck in this mess? "Y/N, are you okay?" Ezra asked, noticing my angry expression. I didn't answer, instead turning around where I stood. I had to stay composed. Being furious is understandable, but it ultimately won't solve anything. I went back to face him with a much calmer demeanor. "Yeah, I'm fine. A few more problems is nothing we can't handle, right?" Hopefully raising our morale would motivate us, but it didn't work. "Yeah, a few more problems. Like being in another galaxy isn't already a big enough problem," Zeb said scornfully. "We have to look forward, Zeb. I don't want to be here either but we have to accept the reality of the situation we're in," Kanan said. "Never took you for the philosophical type," I commented, seeing eye rolls from Hera and Sabine. Chopper emitted a series of beeps. "I don't know what he said, but let's figure out what we need. Time isn't on our side, so we have to make our moves quickly," I explained. "So where do we start?" Sabine asked. "My old stomping ground," I replied in a saddened tone. Stealing from a place I used to call home was morally wrong, not to mention illegal, but it had to be done to get the Ghost crew off this rock. Maybe I'll think of this as payback for the corporation screwing me over. Facing the gazes of my newfound allies, I could tell this operation might be a long one. Regardless of how much time this takes, failure isn't an option.

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