Brothers Divided - Part 2

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"Hurry! We're losing ships!" Ezra shouted as the Phantom accelerated towards the station. "Well, Lieutenant, what's your plan to get them out of there?" Sabine asked. "Here's what we're gonna do-" "Look out!" Rex alerted as an orange ball came into view, forcing Sabine to swerve around it. "What was that?" she said. "Oh, right, right. That is probably a dismantler droid. Forgot that Terba said there might be some guarding the station," Hondo answered. "And when were you going to share this information?" Zeb questioned. "Well of course I just did," the pirate said, dodging him. "This was your intel, how could you forget this information before we take off?" I yelled accusingly. I hate that guy, but I'm completely justified in laying my emotions on him. If this plan goes wrong now, he's to blame. We felt the droid latch onto the rear of the Phantom. "Chop, get 'em!" Sabine ordered. Chopper got to work, firing the turret gun onto the dismantler droid and destroying it. Two more followed us, prompting further action. "I'll handle those clankers," Rex said. "Where are you going?" Hondo wondered. "Outside," the clone replied, opening the door. He leaned out, trying to get a shot, but the droid shook the ship a little and he lost his balance. Zeb noticed this and grabbed onto Rex just as the wind made him fly away. With more room to shoot, he destroyed the dismantler droid, but not before we heard some metal getting ripped off and the engines sputter. "Who else heard that?" I panicked. "We're going down!" Sabine warned us as we started losing altitude. "Chopper! Get the engines back online!" I ordered. We dipped below the station, right into an atmospheric storm. I saw a flash of lightning before my eyes as the Phantom shook. "Did we just get hit?" Zeb said, terrified. Whatever it was didn't set us back as the engines became functional. Sabine leveled the ship and yanked the steering to give us some space. "Brace yourselves, I'm gonna lock onto the station," she said. We all hung onto something as the magnetic locks came online, gluing us to the underbelly of the salvage line. "No time to waste. Let's go," Ezra ordered, opening the door.

We all climbed to the platform to start the next phase of our recovery operation. "We gotta shut down the conveyor before they're all slagged. Come on," Ezra motioned for us to follow him towards a nearby control panel. On our way there, we ran into a couple unexpected people. "Ugnaughts?" I announced. "More of those pigs?" Zeb said, surprised. They walked toward us, unhappy that they'd been intruded upon. "Get out of the way. I don't wanna hurt you," Ezra said with some hostility, stepping toward the workers. "Ezra, there's no need for violence," I rebutted. You've gotta chill out, man. We won't succeed like this. "Y/N has a point. Every situation has the potential to be profitable," Hondo agreed, trying his luck. He started speaking some language, and to my amusement, the Ugnaughts seemed happy at what he said. "I told them Terba was my friend and we've come to liberate them. I think that's what I said," Hondo translated. "Liberate them?" Zeb questioned. "Fine, they can help us liberate the ships. Hondo, get them to shut off the conveyor," Ezra commanded. Hondo spoke again and one of the Ugnaughts ran up to the control panel, forcing the belt to stop. "Laborer 429, why have you disengaged the conveyor?" a voice asked from the panel. The pig answered back with a bold lie. "It's malfunctioning? Well get it repaired, miscreant, or I'll have you thrown off the station," the voice threatened. "Let's just get our ships and get out of here," Ezra said. He seemed very impatient and I understood why. There weren't many ships left and we had to get them back to the fleet. "Well, Lieutenant, first we have to refuel them. Their tanks will be empty. Bet you didn't think of that when we walked into this," Sabine pointed out. Ezra seemed a little down after his credibility was undermined. "Not the first complication, won't be the last. Let's get to work," Rex assured. "You know, Kanan would've loved this mission," Zeb added. "We'll get through this, Ezra. You're doing well so far," I said, trying to encourage him further. He seems flustered. He just needs to shake it off and focus. I ran to the Y-Wings and plugged a line into one of them, starting the refueling process.

The Ugnaughts did an excellent job of stalling the Empire, and we were down to refueling our last two Y-Wings. But just as everything is going right, something bad happens. Every single time. The magnetic locks on the conveyor belt activated and it started moving again. "Looks like they know we're here," Sabine said. Hondo asked the laborers what happened and they answered him. "My friend says all systems have been overridden by the control tower," Hondo translated. "Zeb and Sabine, finish refueling. I'll take care of the tower. Rex and Y/N, you're with me," Ezra strategized. We were running towards the tower but stopped to find Sabine and Zeb under attack by a dismantler droid. "Lieutenant! I thought we destroyed them all!" Rex said. "You two, go help them. I got this," Ezra ordered. We ran back to the Y-Wings to save our crew. "Y/N, draw its fire. I'll handle this one," the clone said, climbing onto a crane. I started firing at the droid, getting its attention. It let go of the ship but couldn't react as it got hit by Rex. However, it still stood firm, determined to finish its task. "You want more, you lousy clanker? I'll show you more!" the clone shouted. He swung the crane around to grab onto the dismantler droid, but it grabbed onto the claw. A few of my shots landed on the droid but seemed to do no damage. "This thing's too strong!" I complained. The droid got itself on the catwalk and then ignited a flamethrower at Rex, who crouched down for cover. I landed some more shots that actually did some damage, but the droid kept scuttling towards me. "Shit!" I yelled, jumping out of the way to avoid its buzzsaw. I rolled over to see the droid get sent flying at a nearby wall. Seizing this opportunity, Rex moved the crane into the droid, but it fought back before it got crushed. "Y/N! Hit it now!" he ordered. I aimed carefully and shot at a nearby power box, causing a mini explosion that immobilized the droid. Rex then pushed the waste of space off the platform and I heard it crash onto the surface below. "Help us!" Zeb and Sabine cried out. I noticed they were close to falling off the ship, so I rushed to the platform and slid down the Y-Wing. I got into a crouching position and used my strength to pull Sabine up. Rex did the same with Zeb as Chopper controlled the crane to level the ship. "Thanks for the save," Sabine said, using me for support. "No problem. I hope Ezra's having an easier time," I replied. Knowing him, he's gonna do something reckless.

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