Newfound Wisdom

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Stress is a horrible thing that comes in so many forms, and recently it has made life more difficult than it already has been. Despite getting a hyperspace lane that would be untouched by the Empire, we almost lost Hera to the Protectors. It took her a couple of weeks to heal, and the entirety of Phoenix Squadron had to keep things simple until she was ready to fly. Zeb and I returned to Garel to finish our unfinished food run but barely escaped Imperial patrols. It feels that our wins are being followed up by losses, and it's depleting my morale. But the worst part is that we're going back to Nixus to rescue some refugees and I heavily objected to this. Not that I was content with leaving them behind, but Ezra wouldn't tell us who his "trusted source" was. And I had a gut feeling that I knew exactly who it might be.

After landing inside the spaceport, we began to walk towards the hangar bay where the refugees awaited us. "Ezra, I'm proud of you for taking the lead on this rescue mission," Hera complimented. "You would've done the same thing," he said. "You said these people were wanted by the Empire. Do you know why?" Kanan asked. "No, but I hear they're closing in. We better hurry," Ezra urged. "So where did you hear about these refugees anyway?" Zeb questioned, noticing my frustration with the need-to-know charade that Ezra was playing. "Huh? You know, one of our uh, contacts. Speaking of, Chopper, you better let him know we're here," he answered coolly. The droid pulled a transmitter out of a compartment and grunted into the device. "Um, where'd you get that from?" I said with a tinge of anger. I still wasn't buying it and I'm close to my boiling point. Chopper beeped that there was no response, sparking some worry in Ezra. "There's no answer? We better hurry," he said. We sped up to a slight jog until we got to the storage unit, hiding behind a large container to cover ourselves. "Oh no, we're too late," Ezra whispered. I peered out and saw a squad of stormtroopers and an officer guarding another container. This isn't good. What could be so valuable to them? "Drag those refugees out of there," the officer ordered. The crate was opened and we were all stunned at the two prisoners that stepped out. "My people...they're Lasat!" Zeb said. "Kanan, Hera, and Ezra go around the container with me. Sabine and Y/N, flank them," he said, thinking quickly. After waiting a little bit, Zeb slammed a door into a stormtrooper and we disposed of the squad rather swiftly. The officer attempted to get away but to no avail, as Ezra stunned him. "Hello, hello! You arrived just in time, as I knew you would," a familiar voice said. Hondo. I knew it. "You could have warned me the Empire was here," Ezra chided. "Ah, but I sold the Lasats to the Empire knowing the heroes would save the day! You being the heroes, of course," the pirate chuckled. "So you willingly sold these refugees to the Empire. Do you have any idea how screwed up that is?" I interrogated. "My friend, do not get so uptight. I knew that these two belonged with that one, and I made a profit. Everybody wins!" he replied, pointing to the Lasats. I glared at him, his answer being too happy for my liking. "It is him, Captain Orrelios!" the tall Lasat exclaimed. "By the Ashla, the prophecy!" the shorter one jubilantly cheered. "Captain?" Ezra questioned. "Yes, Captain Garazeb Orrelios of the Lasan High Honor Guard," she answered as the other Lasat bowed down to Zeb with her. "Haha, a reunion! I was right again, how wonderful. Hondo could use a little help," he said, pointing to the unconscious officer on the floor. I looked at him with an icy stare, still hung up on his intent to sell a dying species into certain doom. I can't believe that I ever ran into this guy. "Not to spoil the moment, but the Empire might be here soon. We've gotta get you out of here," I said. "Oh, wait, wait. Does this mean I am not getting my finders fee?" Hondo asked. "You never were," Ezra taunted before walking away. "Oh and by the way, learn my name before you try to woo me with your "business tactics,"" I said, showing air quotes on the last two words before I followed the crew out of the storage unit.

I listened in on the conversation between Zeb and the other two Lasats, whose names I learned were Gron and Chava the Wise. Their ultimate goal was reaching Lira San, as foretold in some ancient prophecy. Lasan, their former homeworld, was destroyed by the Empire, and their species almost went extinct in the process. However, Chava saw it as a future destiny, and that the prophecy was almost complete. As I thought about their riddle, Hondo contacted us through Ezra's transmitter. Great, him again. "Ezra, my boy. It's your pal Hondo," he said. "What is it, Hondo?" Ezra wondered. "Just so you know, there are stormtroopers on their way," Hondo warned. "How close are they?" Ezra asked, and we were met with laser fire. "Pretty close," Hondo said. I got in a defensive position to protect our backs. Ezra and I peeked out and fired at the stormtroopers, careful to avoid their return fire coming from both sides. Just as we were trapped in the crossfire, the blast doors shut, giving us a free route to escape. "Another rescue by Hondo Ohnaka!" the pirate cheered out. "Thanks, Hondo, we owe you one," Ezra replied. "No, we don't!" I yelled. He sold us out twice now, and I'm certain he'll do it again the next time we come across him. All he wants is money and does things for his personal gain. I followed the crew back to the Ghost, making sure the Lasat stayed safe. We finally made it to the hangar bay where a squad of troopers awaited us. I took out a trooper as we ran onto the ship. Ezra and Kanan followed me after deflecting some blaster bolts back at the troopers. Zeb hopped in the nose guns, taking out the squad, and we turned around to depart from the hangar. Just as we left the atmosphere, a Light Cruiser emerged from hyperspace. "Imperial cruiser!" Sabine alerted. "I see it," Hera responded. She hit the thrusters and flew over the cruiser, then jumped to hyperspace.

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