Going Home

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Y/N's POV:

We dropped out of hyperspace and emerged in front of a large red planet. Within its orbit sat a smaller, blue and green colored moon, the location of the new rebel base. I couldn't help but notice how similar it looked to Earth. "We're coming up on Yavin 4," I announced, signaling our journey was nearing its conclusion. "I wonder what this rebel cell is like, and how big it is compared to Phoenix Squadron," Ezra said. Although it hasn't been long since I last heard that name, the memories of that harrowing day still cut deep. We lost so many people, and it shattered our efforts to fight the Empire. "According to Hera, it's more well-equipped than we were. The remnants of Phoenix Squadron are now a part of this cell," Kanan replied. I quietly sighed in relief that our group had a place to rebuild. Chopper warbled something I still couldn't understand. It's been two years in this galaxy and I still can't translate binary? "No, Chopper, you're getting an oil bath when you get back, whether you like it or not," Kanan translated. "Unidentified ship, state your business," a voice crackled through comms. "Friendly. Transmitting clearance codes," I responded. I pressed a few buttons, sending the codes to the base. "Codes check out. Proceed," the voice verified before ending the channel.

I flew the Gauntlet into the atmosphere and took in the sights before me. A lush forest littered the land below us, its endless expanse stretching across the planet. Amidst the sea of green stood a few temples, rising tall and proud above the treetops. I could barely make out a fleet of small fighters in the distance. This must be the place. I directed my ship to the biggest temple and then landed it in an open space. We opened the ramp, revealing a joyful Zeb. "Welcome to Yavin 4," he greeted. It was a relieving sight to see in comparison to the hard fighting we just came back from. "Zeb!" Sabine said, happy to see her friend after a few months apart. She playfully hit him. "Woah, take it easy!" Zeb quipped. "You've gone soft on me, big guy?" Sabine said, returning the banter. "Where's Hera?" Kanan wondered. "She's on a supply mission," Zeb answered. "Come on, I'll show you around." We followed the Lasat around the base, which was bustling with many rebels just like us. Some were fixing the ships, some were moving supplies around, and others were directing training exercises. Just like a regular day at our former base. He pointed out the storage unit, command center, medical bays, and sleeping quarters for anyone who needed them. "So many different people," I commented, mesmerized at how the galaxy seemed to keep growing before my eyes. "There are cells from every corner of the galaxy," Zeb confirmed. "And it's still not enough against the Empire." "As long as we get to help Ryder on Lothal, I'll take what we can get," Ezra replied optimistically. Just like me, Ezra kept holding out hope that his homeworld was okay.

Suddenly, an alarm started blaring, jolting us into action as people emerged from the temple to respond to the emergency. "Ezra! Y/N! You're back!" Rex exclaimed, happy to see us. "Rex! What's going on? Where's Hera?" Ezra asked with concern. "If you're looking for Hera, there she is," Rex responded, pointing behind us. "She's coming in hot along with the rest of her squadron." We looked to the sky and saw several ships quickly descending from the air, smoke trailing behind them. "Come on! Come on! Move it!" Rex ordered while running towards the landing strip. We needed to be ready to get the pilots out of their burning ships. After a few tense minutes, the first few ships touched down, and they were soon joined by the rest of the squadron. Doing my part, I rushed to the closest ship and pried the cockpit open. I held a hand out for the pilot to grab. He took it and I pulled him out of the smoking ship. "Thank you," the pilot said graciously. "Just doing my job," I answered. I returned to the Ghost crew, who stood just behind Hera as she appeared to be giving out orders. "I want a full assessment of damage to the Y-Wings. See what's salvageable," I overheard her say. Even in this tense moment, her authority remained vital. A few pilots walked past us towards the command center to give their report. "I've seen worse landings," Kanan joked, easing the frustrations of their failed mission. "Kanan?" You're all here!" Hera cheered, relieved that we were united after so long. She gasped upon seeing Sabine. "And Sabine! You came back! What about your family on Mandalore?" "They'll be fine. Right now, my family here needs me more," Sabine replied. "Well, I'm glad to have you. There's plenty of work to go around," Hera said. "Well then, let's get started," I affirmed. "A reunion, how nice," a voice called out from behind us. We turned around to see Kallus, who sported some new rebel clothing, a far cry from his uniform when he served in the Empire. It was still surreal to see him standing among us as an ally. "But as Lieutenant L/N said, it's time to get to work. Mon Mothma requests your presence." "It's good to see you too, Kallus," Ezra said. We followed the former Agent inside the command center, where Mon Mothma, General Dodonna, and a hologram of Bail Organa all stood with solemn looks on their faces. I fear I might know what this means.

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