Home Away from Home

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It's been several days and the base is coming along nicely. Our command center is completely set up but many supply crates still need to be delivered to the storage section sitting right behind the center. Zeb and I have done most of the manual labor alongside the other rebel soldiers. Just grabbing crates and pulling weights. Even with our progress, we still weren't done. "Ghost to Phoenix Home, we're heading down with another load," Hera said. "Copy, Ghost. We'll meet you down on the surface," Sato replied. "One more run, then we'll take a break," Hera said. "Thank God. I need one," I responded. I was drenched in sweat and my muscles have been extremely sore. I proceeded to drink a little more water from my canteen, but I noticed a slight glare from Hera. "Careful with your rations, Y/N. Until we find a source on Atollon, our water supply is limited," she warned. "Zeb, are they still at it?" "Pretty much non-stop," he said. I followed him down the ladder and into the cargo bay, where Ezra and Kanan were dueling. They've been training tirelessly the past few days, and these Inquisitors were serious business. "Keep your blade up. It's easier to drop it than it is to raise it," Kanan instructed. Ezra was on his back foot for a little before getting into a blade lock with his master, who countered this sudden resistance with a Force push. Ezra recovered just in time before getting hit by Kanan's lightsaber, rolling out of the way and then firing stun bolts. "You know that's my move," Kanan said. "I steal from the best," Ezra quipped. The two Jedi stared each other down, waiting for someone to make a move. It was the Padawan who bit first, swinging while sliding down, but he completely missed. He backflipped over Kanan before he held his lightsaber at his neck. "Gotcha!" Ezra cheered in victory. "And I've got you," Kanan countered, holding his lightsaber toward Ezra's stomach. "Tied again?" he yelled in frustration. "There's no such thing as a tie. You lose, you die," Kanan said. "Yeah, and you win by killing an Inquisitor," Ezra spoke up. "No. You win by surviving," Kanan lectured. The Jedi making it out of their imminent meetup with the Inquisitors was paramount, as they were the beacons of hope for this rebellion to look up to. "You two are getting pretty good," Sabine teased. "Getting? Are you saying we weren't good before?" Ezra pressed, the joke going over his head. He's very discouraged. I understand though, what they're training for is a big challenge. "I think she just meant you're getting better now," I assured. "I'll take it. Hey!" Ezra replied while blocking a strike from Kanan. "You never turn your back on an enemy," Kanan said. "Okay, but since when were you my enemy?" Ezra questioned. Not wanting to answer this, Kanan motioned for his Padawan to reset and resume the duel. "Y/N, Zeb, we're about to touch down on the surface," Hera alerted us. Pushing more crates. Woohoo.

The Ghost landed right by the command center so we could finish our last run for now. AP-5, the inventory droid that Chopper made friends with on that old freighter, kept track of our supplies. "Here's two more crates of power generators," I informed him. "This shipment was due hours ago," he scolded. "As long as we have them, we'll be okay," I said before walking off towards the storage section. I ran into the rebel soldier in charge of organizing where our supplies would be stored and passed him the crates. "Ah, Y/N. What do you have for me this time?" he asked me. "Power generators, sir," I answered. "Thanks. Rex has some information for you," he said. "Got it. Where can I find him?" I wondered. "Same place as always," he responded. I gave him a salute before returning to the command center to find Rex. I looked around until I found him sitting at the central computer with Commander Sato. "Hey, Rex. You needed me for something?" I asked. "Just thought I'd give an update on our findings. Our scouts found a water source deep underground and sensor markers are being placed around the base," he briefed. "That's good. All the crates from today should be accounted for. Is there anything else that needs to be done?" I wondered. "We'll notify you," he responded, implying that he was giving me a break. I walked back to the Ghost to get some caf, as the constant exercise was wearing me down a little, and I needed a short burst of energy. I'm not gonna get caught sleeping on the job. As I was about to enter the galley, I ran into Chopper. Or rather, he ran into me, knocking me to the floor. "Seriously?" I shouted, slowly getting up. Chopper just laughed at me, so I gave him a piercing look before he ran off. Finally, some peace and quiet. I poured myself the caffeine-heavy drink and left to go to my cabin until I saw Chopper and Ezra. "Do you know where Zeb is?" Ezra asked the droid, who grumbled some nonsense back. "Yeah, do you know where he went?" Ezra said again. Chopper pointed towards the cockpit and we both saw Zeb watching the sunset. "Oh, hey Y/N," he greeted. "I'm gonna join you two. I need the relaxation," I replied. "Let's go then," Ezra said.

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