Searching for Answers

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Days after escaping from the Empire, the rebellion was traveling aimlessly through space. Losing Phoenix Home was a devastating blow to our efforts, further limiting our already limited resources. In this business, we take what we can get, and it's usually never enough. It's been difficult adapting to space life, but I've found ways to keep busy. Whenever Hera or the rebellion has a job that needs to be done, I'm usually the first to volunteer. Making small repairs to the A-Wings or working with the various computers on the blockade runners made me feel useful. I'll get used to it eventually.

The crew and I were standing around a holo-table with Commander Sato transmitting from the other end, discussing our next objective. "The destruction of our command ship has severely limited our ability to fight the Empire in this sector," Sato said. "So maybe we don't fight, Commander Sato, sir. When things got tough for me on Lothal, I'd go find someplace to hide," Ezra responded. I remembered the conversation I had with him not too long ago. "You are never shy with your opinions, Ezra Bridger, but establishing a base is a good idea," Sato acknowledged. "Not just a good idea, but a necessity. We only have so much fuel we can burn through, and these convoy attacks may be unsustainable," I added, emphasizing the importance of finding a place to settle down. "Problem is, none of the potential bases we know of have the tactical advantage we need to protect what's left of our fleet," Hera replied. "Or aid the nearby systems suffering from Imperial oppression," Kanan added. It wasn't just about sticking it to the Empire, but also helping those who couldn't fight back. "We can't help others if we can't help ourselves, Kanan," Hera rebutted. "If only we had more allies." "I know someone who might be able to help us," Ahsoka interjected. "A great military commander with a vast knowledge of the Outer Rim. He could assist us in finding a base, and his experienced leadership would make him a powerful ally." "So how do we find this leader?" Sato asked. "That's the problem. I lost track of him a long time ago, and all my transmissions have gone unanswered," Ahsoka replied. "We'll find him, let us try," Ezra said confidently. "Well, there is one option I've not yet attempted," Ahsoka said. We then departed for the Ghost, making the jump to hyperspace.

Overall it was a smooth ride, but a couple crackling sounds coming from the cockpit got my attention. As soon as I opened the door, Hera and Chopper were in a heated argument. "We get all the way to Seelos, and now you tell me the hyperdrive wasn't completely fixed?!" Hera yelled. Chopper beeped back some choice words but only succeeded in angering Hera more. "You finished the important repairs? How did you define 'IMPORTANT'?" she snapped. "What's going on?" Kanan asked, peering up from the ladder. "Chopper and I are staying here. To clean up his mess," Hera answered. "Didn't we just fix everything?" I wondered aloud. We literally just overhauled the entire ship and now it's falling apart again? Thank God it's not falling out of the sky. "We did, but Chopper is very irresponsible. Take the Phantom. Hopefully we'll be ready to go by the time you get back," Hera said. Shrugging my shoulders, I went back in the direction I came from and climbed the ladder to the Phantom, where I was joined by the rest of the crew. We detached and descended down to Seelos, a barren white desert with nothing in sight for miles.

"Well, let's fire this thing up," Sabine said, holding a metal head with some wires sticking out of it. She inserted it in the Phantom's dashboard, where it emitted some feedback. "I think it's scanning for a signal of some kind," she analyzed. "Good luck, you could really get lost out here," Ezra noted. "Maybe that was the idea. What if this great commander we're looking for doesn't want to be found?" Zeb pondered, making a good point. If he was as hyped up as Ahsoka made him out to be, wouldn't he be fighting with the rebellion on the front lines, even with another rebel cell? A brief silence filled the room until I heard a sound coming from the head. "7567. 7567. 7567," it repeated. "It's homing in on something," Sabine said. The Phantom changed course to follow the signal. Zeb was the first to notice something in front of us. "There, up ahead!" He said. As we got closer, the blur shaped into a complicated walking vehicle. I'll call this a walker. "Woah," was all I could muster. "Now that is a work of art," Sabine said in awe. "Looks like an Old Republic tank," Kanan added before muttering something I couldn't hear. The walker stopped and we landed right next to it, waiting for someone to acknowledge our visit.

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