Under Pressure

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As I was about to hit the call button, my phone screen changed, showing my mom's contact. Really, right now? I don't usually decline calls from my parents, or even lie for that matter, but tonight was an exception. I opened my message app and texted her "At a friend's house, talk soon" before pressing send. Re-opening the phone app, I pressed the call button without hesitation and waited for the operator to answer.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?" she asked. "Hi, I'd like to report a robbery, " I said coolly, beginning my lie. "A robbery? What's your location, sir?" "The gas station across from the autobody shop in the middle of town. I don't have the exact address memorized," I continued. This had to be perfect. No slip-ups and a little bit of luck, or this whole plan was shot. "Did you see anyone coming in or out?" The operator asked, trying to gain as much information as possible. "No people, but I saw a garage being closed and two cars leaving. A Mazda CX-50 and a Toyota Highlander," I responded. Two of my former coworkers drive those cars, and I just put them on a potential suspects list. Wrong? Probably, but nothing mattered more to me than getting the crew in space. "Alright sir, hang tight and stay safe, the police have been notified and dispatched. They'll be on their way shortly." "Thank you," I said, ending the call. I waited a little bit, then some more, then some more. "Y/N?" Zeb interrogated. Did I screw up? None of the police are driving away from the Ghost. Oh no, I definitely screwed up. Frantically thinking of a backup plan, a few sirens moved into my field of vision. As it turns out, it went better than expected. All four cars covering the perimeter had left. "Yes!" I shouted in celebration. Driving towards the tall grass, I alerted Zeb and Sabine to get ready for their part. Pulling my truck to a stop, I unlocked their doors. "Go, go, go!" I asserted. They bolted towards the tall grass and I drove my truck right where the cops departed from, waiting for a reaction.

Sabine's POV:

Crouching down, I led Zeb through the tall grass. I've gone this way twice before, so I know the path pretty well. As we made it through, I noticed Zeb being quite loud with his steps. "Zeb, stop," I whispered, trying to keep ourselves hidden. We were close to the Ghost, and I just had to give him a signal to draw the officers out of place. Feeling around for something to distract them with, my gloves ran over a small rock. This will do. I looked up and threw the rock, waiting for a reaction. "What was that?" "Better check it out," I heard two officers say. "Now!" I muttered. Zeb nodded, emerging from the tall grass rather quickly. "Ahem. Suppose you've never seen someone like me before, mates?" He said. I facepalmed at his cockiness. That's your attempt to scare him? "WHAT IS THAT THING?" "Do w-we shoot it?" Some officers said in panicked voices. One car even drove away in fear of getting attacked. As the officers were about to raise their guns, I jumped into the action and fired a flurry of stun rounds into them, ensuring they wouldn't hurt us. Seeing two more coming around the corner, I quickly pivoted and stunned both of them as well. With the coast clear, I saw Y/N pull his truck towards the starboard side of the Ghost, but he caught the attention of the helicopter flying overhead. "This is the police, stay still and stand down. You are under arrest for trespassing, and attempting to escape will result in open fire," they threatened. Kriff. How do we deal with them? We can't fly up to it, and shooting it down will only draw more attention. Ugh, but I really want to blow something up. Everyone was unsure of what to do, and as the helicopter finished its descent, we all braced to be handcuffed and taken away. Away from the Ghost, away from the galaxy, away from everything. After all we went through, it had to end like this. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?" One of the officers questioned us. As they approached Kanan, he waved a hand in their faces. "Shouldn't you be assisting with the robbery? It's on the other side of town," He said. "It's on the other side of town," an officer repeated. "You better get moving," Kanan continued. "We better get moving," the other officer said, echoing his statement. And just like that, the officers went back into the helicopter, then ascended into the skies towards the city.

Y/N's POV:

I sat there in shock, amazed at what just happened. The officers got up and left, no questions asked? There had to be an explanation for this. "Kanan?" I croaked. "What did you do?" He smirked. "Mind trick. Pretty clever if I say so myself," he boasted. Amazing. Just a simple wave of your hand, and you can command people to do as you say. "Wow..." I trailed off, losing my train of thought. "Y/N? Don't forget about the mission," Ezra reminded, snapping me back to reality. "I mean, everyone help me carry the materials! We have work to do." We got every item out of my truck and got straight to repairing the Ghost. I helped install the glass for the cockpit and nose gun windows, Sabine and Chopper took care of the metal rips and loose wiring throughout the ship, Kanan and Zeb fixed the engine, and Ezra and Hera helped where they could, and they checked all the systems so the ship would be able to fly. We worked to our physical limits out of fear the police would return to guarding the spaceship, as it would be all but public knowledge in the morning. Speaking of police, the officers Sabine stunned earlier hadn't woken up yet, but they would soon. After finishing my glass repairs, I glanced at my phone and saw multiple concerning alerts on my phone, most of which were texts and calls from my parents. I had to get back to them despite it being late at night. Pressing my mom's contact, I let the phone ring and waited for her to answer.

"Where have you been?" She shouted, catching me off guard. "At a friend's house, like I told you earlier," I said, reiterating my text. "There's a robbery going on at your old workplace, the police are driving all over town, and now I hear there's a spaceship that crashed near you yesterday?" I heard her say in an alarming voice. She was telling the truth, but I didn't want to scare her while she was on vacation with my dad. "I'm fine, mom. Nothing happened to me. Please enjoy the rest of your week off," I said, trying to downplay the utter chaos I was roped into. Well, I roped myself into it, but still. "No, Y/N, it isn't fine. We are coming home tomorrow night and you're going to explain to us what happened. We care about you too much. It's for your own safety," she demanded. You've gotta be kidding me, now there's even less time for the crew to leave. "No Mom, you don't need to do this, everything is-" I said before hearing the phone hang up. I stomped the ground and stormed back to the crew, irritated by what I just heard. "We have to work faster," I said in frustration. "What?" "Why?" "What's the rush?" I heard everyone asking me. "My parents are gonna be home tomorrow, and the police will be back here soon. We have to get you out of sight, or we're all goners," I emphasized. Taking my warning to heart, we somehow worked faster than our previous pace. Aside from firing another stun round at the officers still on site, we finally patched up the entire outer frame of the Ghost with little complications. I was exhausted and my muscles were about to collapse, but the once-wrecked spaceship looked almost new. Hera confirmed through her diagnostic that the ship would be fully functional once the engines warmed up, but I heard a faint rotor-like sound overhead with sirens following shortly after. "Everyone! Get to the truck!" I hollered to the crew. "The police are coming back! We can't stay here!" "What about the tools?" Ezra asked. "Leave them! There's no time!" I said. Just like that, the crew dropped everything and clamored into my truck. I made a quick turn away from the Ghost and towards home. Staying out of sight was vital to completing the mission, we couldn't take our chances yet. After rushing everyone inside, I crashed on my armchair and let dreamland take me away, choosing to deal with the problems that would come in the morning. 

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