Fading Fast - Part 1

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(A/N: Thanks for 10k reads!)

Kallus' POV:

My mind has been racing lately. I haven't been able to attempt any sabotage against Thrawn or even get close to him. Not because I've been busy covering myself with Imperial operations, but because Thrawn has grown distant. He and the rest of my superiors. If I don't do something soon, then Phoenix Squadron's base will be exposed. I'll never be able to erase the guilt from myself if that happens. Because he insists on staying in the shadows, I had to find other ways to access information. I hacked into a mouse droid and wired it with a comlink to eavesdrop on any conversations he might have. And today was the perfect day. I saw a shuttle approaching the complex and controlled the droid to roll down to the hangar. Governor Pryce and Admiral Konstantine were waiting for the shuttle to land. The ramp opened and out stepped Thrawn, flanked by two Death Troopers. This meeting had to be urgent. I stepped back a little to not be seen spying on them. As soon as the three officers entered the complex, I controlled my droid to enter the ventilation systems. I knew exactly where they would go: Pryce's office. I found a nearby storage closet to camp out in and I heard the doors open through the comlink I wired the mouse droid with. All I had to do now was listen. "Is all this secrecy truly necessary, Grand Admiral?" Konstantine questioned. "We still have a traitor in our midst. We need to be highly cautious about what we discuss and where we speak. And what I'm about to say cannot fall into the rebels' hands," Thrawn explained. I heard a few buttons being pressed and a hologram emerging. Who could he be calling? "Admiral Thrawn, I trust the information you have for me was worth the wait," Grand Moff Tarkin said. I became a little unsettled upon hearing his voice. His involvement meant something big was about to happen. "The rebels of the so-called Phoenix Squadron are about to launch a major military strike against the Empire," Thrawn replied. "They wouldn't dare," Tarkin responded, calling their bluff. "Oh believe me they would. Everything leading up to this moment has been rehearsal. The real performance is about to begin," Thrawn said, unfazed. I didn't believe he would wait this long to counter an assault on the rebellion, but Thrawn was one to see every detail and be patient. I listened in even closer, hoping to find some meaning behind each and every word that would be spoken from this point forward.

"What target will the rebels attack?" Tarkin asked. "I believe they are about to strike our most important facility in the Outer Rim: The TIE Defender factory right here on Lothal," Thrawn answered. I admired the Rebellion's boldness. They always took big risks and made something out of nothing. Zeb showed me that firsthand on that ice moon. Things like this were why I defected. "My spies report that General Dodonna's fleet is en route to reinforce Commander Sato and Captain Syndulla." "Where is this fleet massing?" Tarkin wondered. "I have yet to uncover its precise location," Thrawn responded. Good. My guess is that they're meeting up at their base. As long as he doesn't have that. "A coordinated attack by multiple rebel cells is unprecedented," Pryce said. "And it's exactly this moment I've been waiting for. To wipe them out," Thrawn declared. I audibly gasped at that. They could be playing right into his trap. The rebels can't outgun the Empire in open war. "I want you to CAPTURE their leadership," Tarkin ordered, placing extra emphasis on his objective. "In such a battle it may not be possible to take prisoners," Thrawn said bluntly. The gravity of this situation just kept weighing on me. All the rebellion had worked to build could just be gone in a flash. "A man of your talents could manage. If we are to crush this rebellion, we must make examples of its leaders," Tarkin advised. "As you wish, Moff Tarkin," Thrawn said, ending the transmission. A look of disgust and determination overtook my face. I had to transmit a warning to Phoenix Squadron immediately. Time might not be on my side. The Rebellion cannot be caught sleeping. I'll make sure of it.

I waited for night to fall as the Imperial presence around the city slightly decreased. I found a speeder bike that a clumsy scout trooper left unguarded near one of Capital City's gates. Thinking quickly, I stole it and accelerated the bike out of town and into the grassy plains of Lothal. After a short while, I made it to the base of the abandoned communications tower, my secret place of transmission. I entered the turbolift and took it to the top. I circled around the tower and found the door, then opened it. The small room was gathering dust, with many helmets, scrap metal, and other prized possessions scattered throughout the place. Someone lived here. But that didn't matter now. I spotted my transmitter on a nearby workbench, adjusted the frequency, and pressed record, my Fulcrum symbol appearing on top. "This is Fulcrum with an urgent message. Thrawn knows about-" I paused as my symbol turned from white to red. The message wasn't getting through. I adjusted the knobs, but nothing seemed to work. "By the light of Lothal's moons," Thrawn said from behind me. I gasped, shocked by his sudden arrival. This shock quickly turned into anger, though. "That is your code phrase, isn't it, Agent Kallus? Or would you prefer I address you as Fulcrum?" That anger only intensified from here, his cocky remarks were getting to my head. "I'm afraid your rebel friends won't receive your warning," he taunted, holding a jammer. This was the final straw. I roared and charged at Thrawn. He checked my kick, and I blocked his jab. He kneed me, but this had no effect as I dodged a cross from him. I went in for another punch, but Thrawn uppercutted me, then grabbed my head and threw me to the floor. I quickly got up and into stance. "Your technique is good, but limited by your training at the Imperial Academy. Predictable," he mocked. I grabbed a nearby stormtrooper helmet and chucked it at Thrawn. He easily caught it and smirked at me. I went for a follow-up, sweeping his legs, and sending him tumbling to the floor. The jammer broke free from his grip, and I smashed the device. "You talk too much!" I shouted. Thrawn raised his fists. I charged at him, wanting to end this fight quickly. Somehow, he blocked all my attacks, then countered with multiple punches to my face and gut. I took a shot to the liver and dropped to the floor. Thrawn then roundhouse kicked me, sending me flying into the guard rail. He approached me and knelt down. "You have the heart of a rebel," he said. "I'll take that as a compliment," I croaked. Two Death Troopers lifted me by my shoulders, dragging me back inside the tower.

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