4. Let's Have a Good Time

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*Destiny's POV*

"Destiny, would you please be partners with Lilliana for this project?"

I picked my head up from where I had been intensely concentrated on the task at hand, which just happened to be the drawing I was working on, and met the kind hazel eyes of Ms. Smith.

Then I processed what she had asked of me and I tucked my red hair behind my ear before turning to face the shy girl standing beside her with the black hair and blue eyes.

Smiling at the girl who Ms. Smith had just called Lilliana, I nodded. "Of course," I said, moving my drawing over to make space for the girl as she took a seat on the stool across from mine.

"Thank you. Lilliana is new to this school and is just starting today. The deadline for this project is tomorrow, but I know you can help her with it, right Destiny?" Ms. Smith asked me, plucking the pencil from behind her ear to scribble down our names on her clipboard.

"Yes, I'm almost done anyway," I responded, earning a satisfied smile from the young teacher who moved on to help other students.

Reaching my hand out, I introduced myself to the new girl and said, "I'm Destiny. Welcome to Hall's High. Where are you from?"

Lilliana's eyes darted away from mine before settling back on them again. She hesitantly stretched out her hand and lightly placed it in mine before barely whispering, "Thank you," she said, not answering my question, "I'm Lilliana."

I noticed how frail and boney her hand felt in mine, as if it would break right in my hand. I was careful not to squeeze it too hard just in case.

"Okay, so basically this project is to draw a still life of the city based on your own personal view and then overlay it with your partner's view...but," I said, gesturing a hand at her, "I haven't had a partner until now."

Lilliana gave a slight nod as if she understood. She delicately answered, "I should draw the city then?"

"Yeah," I said, spinning my drawing of the bustling New York City to her, "I drew New York so I guess you should draw it, too, and then we can put them together."


"The only problem is that it's due tomorrow and I don't know how we can both work on the project together." I scratched my head, forgetting that lead was smudged on my hand since I was a lefty. I rubbed my fingers through my hair to get rid of the silver tint.

"You can come over my house after school," Lilliana offered. I thankfully focused on her clear blue eyes and said, "That would be great."

Lilliana gave me her address and I got her started on the project for the remainder of the class.

By the time the end of the day rolled along, I was so pooped that when Grant met me at my locker while I was packing up my backpack, I honesty couldn't be bothered with him.

Ever since he had found me in the closet with Primo, he's been way over protective to the point of annoying the crap out of me. I would've thought that he would be pissed off every time he laid his eyes on me, but it was quite the opposite considering how possessive he was being.

Especially now while he was bugging me about where I was headed when I walked out of the front doors to my car.

"I have to finish a project," I said, slipping inside the green buggy car that I had bought myself.

Grant made a face as his blue eyes turned stormy. "Where?" He wanted to know.

I rolled my eyes. "At some new girl's house," I replied, shutting the door on him. I gave him a quick wave and peeled out of the school parking lot.

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