44. My First Marriage Proposal - Part 1

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*Elijah's POV*

Okay, so I know you're all probably extremely confused about the relationship between Veronica and me.

Well, let me tell you. If you thought you were confused, just know that I'm a million times more confused.

I admit that I'm the main cause of all the confusion, but I honestly had a lot on my mind. Like the wedding, for instance.

And I also know that you're all wondering what happened between myself and Allison over summer break all that time I didn't speak with Veronica.

To be fair, she didn't make an effort to contact me either, but that's a discussion for another time.

Without further ado, I present you the whole story of what has gone down these past two months during vacation.

I took advantage of Allison's feelings for me and pointed out the fact that if our parents got married, then the two of us could never be together -not that I wanted to be with her- but she didn't have to know that for my intents and purposes. For that time being, I had had her right in the palm of my hand, doing the dirty work alongside me.

Unfortunately, we had been unable to stop the wedding from happening, so I no longer had a use for her. Spending the majority of my time with that freaking girl made me realize how lucky I had been with a certain blonde haired girl.

And also how I had ruined my chances with her.

Yeah, yeah. You all hate me and that's understandable. I haven't exactly been Prince Charming and I tend to get angry easily when I'm around Veronica.

You know why? It's one word.


Each time I laid my eyes on her, I told myself that she deserved better than me. I beat myself up for being the way I am and wishing I could be better for her.

The fact of the matter is that I can't.

Which finally leads me to the ring mixed in with the change I gave her last night. It was more of an apology gift than a marriage proposal, although I could see why some of you would get the wrong idea from it.

Hopefully, Veronica knew what I meant by it.

Basically, I've come to the conclusion that I'm a heartless jerk who should have been more involved in my own relationship than in my mother's.

I know Veronica thinks something was up with me and Allison, but nothing ever happened between the two of us.

Let me repeat that.

Nothing ever happened.

I didn't have sex with her because I was tired of waiting for Veronica. Hell, like I told her, I'd been too busy to even think about that. I wouldn't even want to do it with Allison.

She isn't even a friend with benefits, if you know what I mean.

I only needed one girl in my life and I'd been such an asshole to her.

And anyway, I would wait as long as Veronica wanted -not that we even had to have sex together.

I screwed up big time, though, so those thoughts most likely never crossed Veronica's mind anymore.

Maybe by the ring I gave her, Veronica would know how much I really cared about her.

That sounded lame even to my own ears. Of course she wouldn't know what I meant by the ring. I just ended up making her even more confused.

Oh right, I was currently standing outside Veronica's dorm room since our hallway coincidentally happened to be the only co-ed floor in the entire building.

And our rooms were even right next to each other.

I was here to explain everything to her once and for all. I was preparing myself right now for the rejection that was bound to come out of her mouth the second I explained myself.

If I were her, I'd kick my own ass.

The bottom line was that love made you do crazy things. I never had the intention of hurting Veronica even though I may have come across as a douche.

While I was thinking all of this through, and thinking about what I would say to Veronica to get her to perhaps forgive me or understand my point of view, I didn't hear the door next to me creak open or see the short girl come through it until she had walked right in to me.

Impatiently shoving her hair out of bright blue eyes, she glared up at me. I knew that look all too well and my heart picked up its speed each time she made that face.

"What do you want?" She snapped, tucking her hair behind her ear.

A flash of silver streaked across my vision as her hand moved and I froze when I realized what it was.

She caught me staring at the ring I had given her last night and her cheeks flushed a bright red. She hurriedly twisted the ring off of her ring finger and chucked it at the ground.

I flinched when it bounced once before settling before the crack under her door.

I couldn't help it. Sometimes, I mean all the time, my mouth spoke without asking my brain for permission which also was an issue.

Looking back, I cringed at what I said next.

"Are those wedding bells I hear, Ronnie?" I asked sarcastically as I recalled the ring had literally been on her ring finger of her left hand.

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she scoffed, "As if."

But I didn't miss the blush still staining her cheeks as she couldn't seem to meet my gaze.

I easily had her pinned against the wall in a matter of seconds, making her eyes widen as her mouth formed a silent O.

My eyes dropped to her lips and she sucked in a breath, drawing my attention back to her eyes.

"I don't do this often," I said, huskily, "So listen closely. I'm not sorry for how I didn't converse with you over summer vacation."

Her eyebrows narrowed at my comment and she said, "Oh, eff you!"

I raised a finger to her lips, leaning in closer. "Language," I scolded, feeling the tip of my boot hit the discarded ring when I took a step closer.

"All that time without you made me realize just how much I need you in my life," I concluded seconds before crushing my lips to hers.


Hi everyone! I hope you liked Elijah's POV which was requested by _SuperWolf ! Do you think you will forgive him? Will Veronica? Should she forgive him?

I'm thinking about adding a second part to this because Elijah still wasn't able to explain everything, so be on the look out for part two!

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