32. Our First Day of Senior Year

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Today would be the first day of senior year. Summer vacation had gone by fast, but I was ready to go back. Nah, just kidding. I hated school. The only reason I'd be even remotely happy to go back would be to see Mae.


We'd texted each other a few times throughout the summer, but I never got the chance to tell her about Elijah and I. I was pretty sure she still had feelings for him even after he was a jerk to her. You didn't just get over your crush that easily. Trust me, I knew all about it.

I groaned, sitting up in my bed. Now I was really dreading school.

"Veronica! Time for school!" My mother yelled from downstairs, causing me to groan even more.

I sluggishly slid out of bed and threw on the first shirt I saw, which just happened to be a band t-shirt from Hot Topic with a pair of ripped jeans and converse. My hair was growing longer, past my shoulders, so I figured I'd have it get it cut soon.

When I got downstairs, my mother was wearing her apron, cooking pancakes, and my father was reading the newspaper, drinking coffee like usual. I took a seat across from him and my mother raised her eyebrows at me.

"You sure you want to wear that for the first day of school?" She asked me.

I looked down at my clothes. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

She sighed, flipping a pancake. She stacked a few on a plate and handed them to me, saying, "Nothing."

Hah, she knew better than to argue with my choice of clothes.

I ate the pancakes slowly, enjoying every bite before I realized I'd be late for school. I quickly finished eating them and grabbed my backpack, bolting out the door with strange looks from both of my parents.

I ran out to the driveway for a surprise. I shoved my car keys in the pockets of my jeans and got into Elijah's car instead. He turned down the music once I was inside and turned to me.

"Ready to go back to school for one last year?" He asked me.

"No," I said, making him snicker. He backed out of my driveway and drove us to school just minutes before the final bell.

We went our separate ways to our lockers and then to homeroom to receive our schedules for the year. I sat down in the last row of the science lab that my homeroom teacher taught in.

I hated having my homeroom teacher be a science teacher because there was always random flasks, graduated cylinders, and just about anything else found in a lab, on my table.

When my teacher handed me my new schedule, I scanned my eyes across it and angrily crumpled it up in my fist, earning myself a few weird looks. The bell rang, dismissing us for our first period class.

Which just happened to be math class with the teacher I had last year. Ugh.

I took the same seat I sat in everyday last year, right next to the window and in front of the last row. I was busy doodling in my notebook so when I felt the pen tap my back, I had a déjà vu.

I twisted around to see Elijah grinning at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Fancy seeing you here," he said, sarcastically. I took his pen from him and said, "Give me your schedule."

I circled two other classes that he had with me. History again, and physics. Just as I was  handing it back to him, a girl I've never seen before with bright red hair and green eyes came up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

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