29. Our First Times

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He dug his free hand in the pocket of his shorts, feeling around for something. My eyes widened when he pulled out a small, plastic package.

"Are you a virgin?" He asked.

"Uh, w-what!"

"I'll take that as a yes. Well good thing I'm not," he winked.

I smacked his chest. "You're such a pig! Ugh, I feel like reevaluating my decision."


"Because I'm not having sex with you!"

"Why not?"

"Well, obviously you're experienced at it-"

"It's alright. I'll go slow."

"That's not what I meant!" I yelled, shoving off of him. "You must've done it with every girl in the school by now. I'm nobody special then. I really am just a game to you."

Elijah wrapped his arms around me, pulling me back down on top of him. I struggled in his embrace, but he still wouldn't let me go.

"Are you scared?" He whispered huskily in my ear.

I froze and thought about it for a moment. I've never had sex before and I was pretty sure it hurt a lot the first time. And then it hit me.

I wasn't scared.

Rather I knew Elijah had an ulterior motive. I sat up straight, narrowing my eyes on him.

"Wait, is this about wanting to steal all of my first times?" I spat, getting seriously pissed off.

He crossed his arms behind his head, resting on my mountain of pillows as he shrugged.

"You've obviously never had sex before. This is the ultimate first time that I can steal from you," he said, nonchalantly as if we were talking about what he had eaten for dinner.

"So that's what this has all been about? You don't actually love me; it was just a damn show, wasn't it? You're such a sick, twisted, douche of an asshole. Get the hell out of my room right now before I scream," I demanded, pointing at my window.

He uncrossed his arms to lay a hand on my shoulder. I flinched, feeling tears brim on the edge of my eyelids. He removed his hand and sat up next to me.

"Ronnie," he said, tucking the package back in his pocket, "I'm a virgin, too."

"No you're not-"

"In almost every sense that you were a virgin, I was too. My first kiss? You. My first love? You. My first double date with the wrong girl? You and Mae."

Woah. He couldn't be serious. He went around kissing Bianca as if he's done it a million times. There was no way I had unconsciously stolen his first kiss when he'd taken mine that day he first moved in.

"You're lying," I said, refusing to believe him.

He shook his head. "I'm sorry for how I've treated you. I admit, I made it seem like a game to try and steal all your first times. In reality, I'd been trying to experience all of my first times with you. And you just so happened to be a virgin in every aspect that I was."

"Holy shit," was all I could think to say. He couldn't be serious. Then a thought occurred to me.

"Why me?"

"At first, I chose you because mostly every girl your age had already had their first kiss and whatnot. I used the excuse of stealing all of your first times so you wouldn't know what I was really after. I wanted to have my first kiss and everything else before starting at a new school because I was insecure about what anyone would say when they found out."

"Since when do you care what other people think about you?"

His eyes never once left mine as he said, "I don't. Not when I'm with you."

"What do you mean?" I asked, making the mistake of looking down at his full lips.

He smiled, noticing where my attention had gone. I flashed my eyes back up to his as he explained, "When I first met you on my doorstep the morning after I had just moved in, I knew there was something different about you. Something special. And I knew right then that you were going to cause me a lot of trouble."

"So why were you always such an asshole to me?"

"Isn't it obvious? That way you wouldn't know that I also hadn't experienced those first times," he said as a faint blush stained his cheeks. I poked his cheek, knowing he was telling the truth now.

"Wow, so all this time I thought you were stealing all of my first times, I'd also been taking yours at the same time."

He groaned, nodding his head. I gave him a huge smile.

"You know, it would've been a hell of a lot easier if you had just been honest with me in the beginning," I said.

He gave me an evil grin. "Where's the fun in that?"

I rolled my eyes. I didn't even know what to say.

"Come here," he said, patting his chest. I obeyed, laying my head against his bare and sturdy chest. I could hear his heart beat steadily underneath my head and I smiled.

He smoothed the hair back from my forehead and pressed a kiss on the top of my head. Then he said, "It killed me to see you with Uriah."

"Why? So we couldn't be each other's first relationship?" I asked, only half joking.

He chuckled and said, "No, well yeah. But Mae was nothing like you. I need you, Veronica."

I wrapped my arms around his torso and squeezed. "I need you, too, Eli."

He propped his head on his elbow so he was looking down at me. "So, will you be my first second girlfriend?" He asked, beaming down at me.

"I'd love to be your first second girlfriend."

"Good, because there's still one last thing we both haven't done yet," he said with his famous wink.

"Which is?" I prompted.

"You'll see."


Hi! I wanted to update as soon as possible so I'm sorry this is such a short chapter!

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