35. My First Time Playing Kiss Pong

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"Oh shit," Elijah cursed, stepping back a step as his eyes widened.

"Yeah, oh shit is right," I snapped.

He rubbed the back of his neck as he looked around for a place to escape to. He lifted his mask and his features transformed. His eyes narrowed on me and he turned halfway around.

"Forget what I just said," he said, walking away from me as if nothing had just happened.

I clenched my fists, ready to chase after him when Allison placed her tray down to wrap her arms around his waist. He bent down, pressed a kiss on the top of her head, and lead her out of the room.

I stalked behind them, following until they reached the base of the staircase leading to the basement. I liked to think I was being slick and unnoticeable as I hid behind the wall, struggling to hear their conversation over the loud music.

When I couldn't hear them anymore, I slid out from behind the wall to see them heading down the stairs. Once they were at the bottom, I slowly walked down after them.

At the base of the stairs, I turned right to see a large group of teenagers wearing masks and crowding around a Ping-Pong table. Cheers erupted when Elijah and Allison joined the group. Elijah headed to one side of the table that consisted of all guys and Allison went to the other side with the girls.

I stayed hidden behind a leather couch in the dark light. I hoped I didn't look like a stalker, watching as a guy wearing an orange feathered mask stepped apart from the group of guys to stand at the front of the table. He held a white ping-pong ball in one of his hands and pointed at a girl with long, blonde hair at the other end of the table with his other hand. She giggled, covering her mouth with a dainty hand.

I immediately recognized her as Bianca. I couldn't tell who the guy was since I was sitting behind the couch that was faced to his back. He raised his hand and let go of the ball, flinging it forward where it plopped right in one of the red plastic cups on the girls' side of the table.

Everyone roared as he took a few steps to the other side of the table. Bianca motioned him over with her finger until he placed his hands on her cheeks and kissed her. The crowd got even louder as they deepened the kiss, heavily making out practically on the table.

I felt like puking. At first I had thought this was a game of beer pong, but now I realized it was more like kiss pong. Apparently, you got to choose who you got to kiss as long as you were able to sink a ball into one of the cups on the opposite side of the table. It was pretty straightforward, if you asked me.

Which was why I did what I did next.

I came up from behind the couch, slid my blue mask back on, and announced, "I'm joining."

Everyone turned to look at me. Only one of them recognized who I was so I wasn't all that surprised when I was allowed to play. Had anyone known I was Veronica Fray, it would be a completely different story right now and I would've been kicked out the second I had stepped foot down here.

As I walked past Elijah to get to the girls' side, I swore I heard him growl deep in his throat. I pretended I didn't hear as I sashayed to the other side of the table and took my spot among the group of girls. None of them gave me a second glance as I joined them. I gave Elijah a satisfied smile as I turned my focus to the girl with the red hair who stepped up next.

My smile immediately fled as she pointed a manicured finger at Elijah. He smirked as she drew her arm back and sunk the plastic ball into one of the red cups. It was her turn to cross over to the other side of the table to the boy who was awaiting her kiss.

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