25. My First POV - Part 2

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*Elijah's POV*

Prove my love to Veronica. Prove my love to Veronica. Prove my love to Veronica.

Those same thoughts relentlessly cycled through my mind as I thought about how I would get Veronica to believe me.

She wasn't going to make this easy, which was clear by the fact she had actually taken my car without any hesitation.

So, I went upstairs past Uriah's empty room, and into mine where I grabbed a piece of paper and a marker.

I scribbled a few words across the sheet of paper and went over to my window. Veronica's window was shut with the curtains drawn. I sighed, leaned across the narrow space between our houses, and knocked on her window.

A few moments later, the curtains were swept back and Veronica filled the previously vacant spot with her hands on her hips and her eyebrows raised in her look of annoyance, per usual.

I held up the paper with a hopeful smile. She squinted her blue eyes and frowned. Then she processed what I had written and her cheeks flushed.

My grin grew wider as she unconsciously, and somewhat uncomfortably, tucked her hair behind her ear and placed her hands on the windowsill.

"If you think a stupid joke will get me to believe you, then you must not really be in love with me."

Then she slammed the window shut.

Okay, so I guess writing: How is my car just like me? You have the power to turn us both on. ;) wasn't the best idea in the world.

I tore up the piece of paper, dumped it in the garbage can beside my desk, and sat down in the swivel chair. I spun around a few times thinking about what else I could do.

She was making this way more complicated than it had to be. I actually had a headache.

And I wasn't sure how much longer I could keep it up. If she wanted me to prove that I was in love with her, did that mean she loved me back?

Or did she not feel the same way?

If that was the case, then I better start moving on right now. She probably still wasn't over my brother yet so there was no way she felt anything for me.

She only wanted my damn car. Not me.

I dialed her number and waited until she picked up.

"What?" She answered.

"Listen, I need to know if this is a lost cause," I said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, do you feel anything at all for me?"

She took a few seconds to respond. "Eli..."

"Okay, that's all I needed to know. Goodbye, Veronica," I said, hanging up.

Well, that confirmed it. I've been wasting my time for a while now.

I couldn't believe it. I've never been rejected by a girl before.

But I guessed there was a first time for everything, wasn't there?


That's the end of Elijah's POV. I hope you liked it!

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