Chapter 23

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Aurelia's heart pounded in her chest as she moved cautiously through the training grounds, surrounded by the sounds of grunts and clashing metal. She had never been in a place so charged with raw power and danger – every step she took felt like flirting with death itself. To be discovered here would not only threaten her own safety but also Lucius's fate.

"Where do you think you're going?" a gruff voice demanded, snapping her out of her thoughts. A burly guard, his arms folded across his broad chest, stood before her, his suspicious gaze piercing her to the core.

"Um," Aurelia hesitated for a moment, her mind racing for an excuse that would allow her to remain in the training grounds. "I'm here speak with one of the trainers about my brother. He wishes to join the ranks of the gladiators." She forced herself to maintain eye contact, hoping her lie would hold up under scrutiny.

"Your brother?" the guard asked skeptically, looking her up and down as if trying to determine her credibility. "Very well. But you'll need an escort. I can't have you wandering around unattended."

"Of course," she agreed quickly, cursing inwardly at the complication. An escort would make it all but impossible to speak with Lucius without raising suspicion.

As they began walking, Aurelia noticed a gladiator being brutally beaten by his opponent in a sparring match. The bloodied man struggled to rise, only to be knocked down again, much to the amusement of the onlookers. She winced and looked away, her stomach churning. She knew she had to find Lucius quickly, lest he suffer a similar fate.

"Here we are," the guard announced gruffly as they reached one of the training areas. "Which trainer did you want to speak with?"

"Uh..." Aurelia hesitated, scanning the area for any sign of Lucius. She couldn't see him, but she had to act quickly. "That one," she said, pointing at a random trainer across the field.

"Very well," the guard grunted, apparently satisfied with her answer. As they approached the chosen trainer, Aurelia's heart raced with dread – not only had she failed to locate Lucius, but now she was being led even further from him.

"Excuse me, sir," the guard called out to the trainer, who turned to face them with an annoyed expression. "This young lady has business with you."

"Does she now?" the trainer asked, his eyes narrowing as he studied Aurelia. "And what might that be?"

"Um..." Aurelia hesitated, racking her brain for another lie. "My brother wishes to join the gladiators, and I wanted to inquire about the process."

"Really?" The trainer eyed her skeptically. "Shouldn't your father be the one asking such questions?"

"Of course, but our father is currently away on business, and my brother is eager to begin his training as soon as possible."

"Fine," the trainer sighed, clearly uninterested in pursuing the matter further. "Tell your brother to come by tomorrow morning, and we'll see if he has what it takes."

"Thank you, sir," Aurelia replied, her voice barely concealing her relief. As the guard escorted her back toward the entrance, she glanced around desperately, searching for any glimpse of Lucius. But he was nowhere to be found.

"Wait!" She cried suddenly, stopping in her tracks. "I dropped my bracelet when we were walking earlier. May I please go back and search for it?"

"Make it quick," the guard grumbled, clearly annoyed by the delay. As he released her arm, Aurelia took advantage of the opportunity, darting away and ducking behind a pillar just as another guard rounded the corner. She held her breath, praying she wouldn't be discovered.

"Where are you, Lucius?" she whispered to herself, her heart pounding in her ears. The danger was mounting with every passing moment, but she couldn't leave without seeing him – even if it meant risking everything.

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