Chapter 46

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Aurelia's heart raced as she watched Gaius stalk away. The confrontation had left her breathless, a trembling hand clutching at her chest. She knew she could not let him destroy her love for Lucius. With renewed resolve, she called out to him, her voice strained with desperation.

"Wait, Gaius!"

He stopped in his tracks, his shoulders tense, but he did not turn back to face her. Aurelia took a deep breath, gathering her courage before she continued.

"Please," she implored, "you must understand what Lucius means to me."

Gaius slowly turned, his eyes cold and calculating. "Your feelings are irrelevant," he spat, the contempt in his voice stinging Aurelia like a physical blow. "You belong to me, and I will ensure that you fulfill your duty to our families."

Aurelia's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she struggled to maintain her composure. "Do you truly believe that forcing me into a loveless marriage will bring happiness or prosperity to our families?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "Can you not see the emptiness of such an arrangement?"

"Love is a luxury we cannot afford," Gaius replied harshly. "Our union is about power and influence – nothing more."

"Lucius has shown me that there is another way," Aurelia insisted, her voice growing stronger with each word. "A life built on love and trust, rather than deceit and manipulation. Can you not find it within yourself to accept that?"

"Enough!" Gaius roared, his patience worn thin. "I have indulged your foolish fantasies long enough, Aurelia. You will cease this dalliance with the gladiator immediately, or I will take matters into my own hands."

Aurelia's heart clenched at the threat, but she refused to let Gaius see her fear. "What will you do?" she challenged, her eyes defiant. "Expose me to my father? Destroy the life we have built together?"

"Your actions have already sealed your fate," Gaius replied coldly. "If you continue down this path, I will ensure that Lucius suffers the consequences."

"No!" Aurelia cried out, her desperation palpable. "You cannot harm him. He has done nothing wrong!"

"Your disobedience will be his downfall," Gaius warned. "And I will not hesitate to use whatever means necessary to maintain control over you."

Aurelia's mind raced with the weight of Gaius's threats. She knew what he was capable of, and the thought of Lucius suffering because of her actions was almost too much to bear. But she could not give up the love they had found, even in the face of such danger.

"Please, Gaius," she whispered, her voice heavy with sorrow and pleading. "I beg you, let me go. Let me find happiness with Lucius. We can both start anew, free from the chains of our past."

"Your foolishness knows no bounds," Gaius said dismissively, turning away once more. "You will soon learn the price of defiance, Aurelia."

Left alone in the dark street, Aurelia shivered, feeling the chill of Gaius's words settle deep within her bones. She knew the battle for her future – and Lucius's – had only just begun.

Love Among the RuinsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora