Chapter 65

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Gaius leaned in close to Aurelia, his breath warm against her ear as he whispered conspiratorially. "You see that man over there?" He gestured subtly toward a well-dressed figure across the room, engaged in conversation with other esteemed guests.

Aurelia's eyes flicked to the stranger, noting his stately bearing and the way others seemed to defer to him. "Who is he?"

"His name is Quintus," Gaius replied, his voice dripping with disdain. "He is a loyal friend of our dear senator, but I have reason to believe that he has been ensnared by Lucius's silver tongue."

"Lucius?" Aurelia repeated, her heart seizing at the mention of his name. She struggled to keep her expression neutral as Gaius continued.

"Indeed. It seems our gladiator has been whispering seditious thoughts into Quintus's ear, plotting an uprising against the senator himself." Gaius's eyes burned with cold fury as he stared at Aurelia intently. "We cannot allow this treachery to continue."

A chill ran down Aurelia's spine as the gravity of Gaius's words sank in. Inwardly, she wrestled with the knowledge that Lucius might be involved in something so dangerous. "What do you propose we do?"

"Simple," Gaius replied, his smile wicked. "I am going to ensure that Lucius is arrested and charged with treason. And once he is out of the way, you and I can focus on securing our family's future."

Aurelia's hands clenched beneath the table, her knuckles white with suppressed rage. How dare he plot against Lucius, the one man who had stirred her heart and given her hope for a life beyond the confines of duty? Yet, she knew it would be unwise to reveal her feelings now. Instead, she forced a tight smile and asked, "How do you intend to accomplish this?"

"Leave that to me," Gaius said, his eyes gleaming with malice. "All you need to know is that I can be very persuasive when necessary."

As the days passed, Aurelia watched helplessly as Gaius set his plan into motion. She saw him lurking in shadowed corners, whispering to key figures and planting seeds of doubt in their minds. He even managed to procure a forged letter, implicating Lucius in a plot against the senator - a piece of evidence that would surely lead to his arrest.

At night, Aurelia lay awake, her thoughts consumed by the impending danger that threatened to ensnare Lucius. She knew that she could not betray her family, but the thought of losing him was unbearable. Torn between love and duty, she wrestled with the weight of her decision, her heart heavy with sorrow.

"Are you content with your handiwork?" Aurelia asked Gaius one evening as they strolled through the villa's gardens, unable to contain her anger any longer. "Do you enjoy ruining lives for your own gain?"

"Sometimes we must make sacrifices for the greater good," he replied nonchalantly, plucking a rose from its stem and twirling it between his fingers. "You'll understand one day, when you're my wife."

Aurelia stared at him, her eyes flashing with defiance. "I will never be your wife."

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