Chapter 37

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Aurelia looked down at the uneven cobblestones, her thoughts racing as fast as the water rippling in the nearby Tiber River. She raised her eyes to Octavia, who stood steadfast and resolute beside her.

"Octavia, we must begin by gathering information on the senator's dealings," she said, determination etched in her voice. "Only then can we expose his corruption and bring him to justice."

"Indeed," agreed Octavia, nodding her head solemnly. "We will need to be resourceful and cunning, but I have no doubt that we are capable of such a task."

Aurelia's heart beat faster as she contemplated their next steps. "I believe our first course of action should be to identify any allies or informants within the senator's inner circle. We must find someone who is willing to divulge crucial information about his plans and misdeeds."

As the words left Aurelia's mouth, she saw Octavia's eyes gleam with determination. "I have connections among the senator's slaves and some lower-ranking members of his household," Octavia offered. "Perhaps they might be able to provide us with valuable insights into his activities."

"Excellent idea, Octavia" replied Aurelia, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "But we must also gather evidence of his corruption from other sources. The more information we have, the stronger our case against him will be."

"Agreed," Octavia said, furrowing her brow in thought. "I shall make inquiries with my connections, and perhaps you could use your charm to approach other members of the senatorial class. They may unwittingly let slip vital information."

Aurelia glanced at her friend, admiration and gratitude swelling within her. "Thank you, Octavia. Your assistance and resources are invaluable to our cause."

"Anything for you, Aurelia, and for the people of Rome," Octavia replied, her eyes shining with loyalty and devotion.

As they stood together in the secluded spot, their hearts beating in unison, Aurelia felt a flicker of hope amidst the turmoil. With Octavia by her side, she believed they could gather the information they needed to expose the senator's corruption and bring him to justice. And as they walked away, arm in arm, the sun cast its golden rays upon them, as if illuminating the path ahead.

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