Chapter 84

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The flickering light of a single oil lamp illuminated the sisters' faces, casting shadows that danced upon the cave's walls. Aurelia, her eyes alight with determination, leaned forward and spoke in hushed tones.

"Octavia, we must gather evidence against the senator. We cannot simply rely on hearsay to expose his corruption." Her fingers traced the edge of a worn parchment map laid out before them.

"Agreed," Octavia replied, her brow furrowed in concentration. "We need solid proof to present to the Senate and the people of Rome. And I believe searching his residence is our best chance of finding such evidence."

Aurelia glanced at the map, studying the layout of the senator's grand villa. "We must be cautious, Octavia. The senator's guards are known for their brutality, and they will not hesitate to kill intruders."

"Indeed," Octavia whispered, tracing a possible route through the sprawling estate. "But we have the advantage of surprise. They will not expect two noblewomen to attempt such a daring feat."

The sisters exchanged determined glances, knowing full well the risks they were about to undertake. Aurelia's heart raced as she imagined navigating the treacherous maze of corridors and rooms, all while avoiding detection. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the task at hand.

"Let us plan our approach," Aurelia said, her voice steady. "We should enter the senator's residence from the rear garden - it is less guarded and will offer us cover."

"Excellent idea," Octavia agreed, marking the entry point on the map with a small inked circle. "From there, we can make our way to his private chambers. That's where he would likely keep any incriminating documents or information."

"Once inside," Aurelia continued, "we'll need to search quickly but thoroughly. Time will be of the essence, and we cannot afford to linger."

"True," Octavia nodded. "And we should prepare for the unexpected - guards, hidden traps, or even the senator himself."

"Indeed," Aurelia murmured, her mind racing with strategic possibilities as she envisioned their daring escapade. "We must be prepared to adapt our plan as necessary. But we will succeed, Octavia - I know it in my bones."

"Your courage inspires me, sister," Octavia said, meeting Aurelia's determined gaze. "Together, we shall find the evidence needed to bring this corrupt man to justice."

As the oil lamp continued to burn, casting its feeble light upon their resolute faces, Aurelia and Octavia plotted the details of their daring mission. The weight of their task settled heavily upon their shoulders, but they faced the challenge with unwavering resolve.

For Lucius, for Rome, and for the countless lives affected by the senator's tyranny, they would brave the darkness and risk everything to expose the truth. And so, united by love and bound by duty, they prepared for the night that would change the course of history forever.

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