Chapter 94

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Aurelia stood on the sidelines, her breath caught in her throat as she watched the chaotic scene unfold before her eyes. The clash of swords and the cries of battle filled the air with a tension that seemed to vibrate through every fiber of her being. Her heart raced as she scanned the battlefield for any sign of Lucius.

"Lucius!" she cried out, her voice barely audible above the din of combat. She gripped the fabric of her dress, her knuckles turning white as she prayed for his safety. It was a strange sensation, this mix of fear and hope that churned within her like a stormy sea.

Her gaze darted from one gladiator to another, each of them displaying an unwavering determination as they fought for freedom and justice. But it was more than just their cause that tugged at Aurelia's heart—it was the man who had become its symbol, the man who had shown her the true meaning of love and sacrifice.

"Damn you," she muttered under her breath, cursing herself for allowing such feelings to take root. For even as her heart yearned for Lucius's victory, she could not ignore the weight of her family's legacy pressing down upon her shoulders. A legacy that demanded loyalty, duty, and the preservation of Rome's age-old traditions.

"Senator!" a voice shouted from the midst of the fray, drawing Aurelia's attention away from her internal struggle.

There, amidst the chaos, stood the senator himself. His face contorted in desperation and rage, he barked orders to his remaining men, urging them to fight harder, to push back against the tide of rebellion that threatened to sweep him from power.

"Crush them!" he roared, his voice a thunderous echo of authority and control. "Show no mercy! I will not be undone by a band of slaves!"

His eyes locked onto Aurelia's, and for a moment, their gazes held. In that instant, she saw the raw hunger for power that had driven him to such lengths, and the realization struck her like a blow.

"Go!" he snarled at her, his teeth bared in fury. "Get out of here! This is no place for a lady!"

Aurelia recoiled, her eyes wide with shock. The senator had always been a cold and calculating man, but now, as his world crumbled around him, she saw him for what he truly was—a desperate, dangerous tyrant. She knew then that she could not stand idly by any longer.

"Lucius," she whispered, her voice filled with determination. "I choose you."

With those words, Aurelia turned away from the raging battle and ran, her heart pounding in her chest as she sought refuge among the shadows. As the sounds of combat echoed behind her, she clung to the hope that love might yet triumph over tyranny, and that Rome might one day be reborn under the banner of justice and freedom.

Love Among the RuinsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora