Chapter 26

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Aurelia's breath caught in her throat as Lucius turned, his eyes scanning the area. His gaze met hers for the briefest of moments, and it was as though fate itself had intervened to reunite their souls. The clamor of the training grounds faded into oblivion, replaced by the steady rhythm of her heartbeat.

"Lucius," she mouthed silently, knowing that even a whisper could betray them both.

His eyes widened with recognition, and Aurelia saw a thousand unspoken emotions flash across his face – surprise, joy, and fear, all mingling together in a dizzying dance. He blinked once, twice, before discreetly inclining his head in her direction, acknowledging the danger they were both in.

"Stay back," he seemed to say, his expression beseeching her to understand. "I will find a way to you."

"Be careful," Octavia murmured, her voice barely audible. "The guards—"

"I know," Aurelia replied softly, her eyes never leaving Lucius's. "But I can't leave him now."

"Then we must be swift," Octavia said, determination lining her features. "Come, let's find a way to speak to him without alerting the guards."

As they moved through the chaos of the training grounds, Aurelia stole glances at Lucius, her heart swelling with love and longing. She knew that they couldn't risk discovery, but every fiber of her being yearned to bridge the distance between them.

"Wait here," Octavia whispered, disappearing behind a nearby pillar. She reappeared moments later, her eyes bright with triumph. "There's a quiet corner not far from here. If we can lure him there, we might have a moment to speak."

"Lead the way," Aurelia breathed, her pulse racing with anticipation.

They hastily made their way to the secluded spot, hidden from prying eyes by a row of towering columns. Aurelia's heart pounded in her chest as she waited, watching Lucius from afar.

"Give me your hand," Octavia said suddenly, her voice urgent. "I have an idea."

Aurelia complied, and Octavia pressed something small and sharp into her palm. "Prick your finger," she instructed, "and let a drop of blood fall to the ground."

"Blood will draw his attention," Aurelia realized, her eyes widening with understanding. "But it must be done carefully—"

"Trust me," Octavia said, her gaze unwavering. "I know what I'm doing."

With a trembling hand, Aurelia pricked her fingertip, wincing at the sting of pain. She squeezed her finger, letting a single crimson droplet fall to the dusty ground below.

"Go," Octavia urged, her voice barely a whisper.

Aurelia hesitated for a moment before stepping out from their hiding place, her eyes locked on Lucius. As she moved, her foot brushed against the fallen drop of blood, smearing it across the ground in a deliberate trail.

"Lucius," she thought, willing him to see the signal. "Follow me."

And as she reached the far end of the hidden corner, she felt the warmth of his presence behind her. Her pulse quickened, her breath hitched—but even as she turned to face him, she knew that their stolen moment was all too fleeting.

"Lucius," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.

"Stay back, my love," he pleaded, desperation etched into every line of his face. "You cannot risk being seen here."

"Then tell me when we can meet," she implored, her hands shaking with urgency. "Tell me how to find you again."

"Tomorrow night," he murmured, his voice barely audible. "At the edge of the city, where the moon meets the sea."

"Promise me," she begged, her eyes filling with tears.

"Upon my life, Aurelia," he swore, his gaze burning with intensity. "Tomorrow night, we will be together again."

And with that, he vanished into the shadows, leaving Aurelia and Octavia to make their way back through the labyrinth of the training grounds. The anticipation of their next meeting hung heavy in the air, a promise of stolen moments and secret rendezvous, as they disappeared into the darkness of the night.

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