Their Soulmate, (Y/n) (L/n)

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The (H/c)-haired male heard two sets of footsteps rushing in his direction, trying to catch up to his figure.

He was about to move to the side so that the two people who were chasing after him would run past him instead. But of course, that didn't work.

A warm hand grasped onto his (S/c) hand which caused him to stop and turn toward the ones that had come after him.

"Oh, it's you two," the (H/c)-haired male grumbled, his tall figure shadowing Geto's figure, while also meeting full-on eye contact with Gojo.

"Is there something that you need?" He asks, raising a brow as he stares at the two males before him.

"You're our..." Gojo trails off as he catches his breath.

"Soulmate," Geto finishes.

"Oh, are we now?" The tall male asks.

Gojo nodded his head as he released the hold that he had on the other's hand.

"Yes, all three of us are connected by the red string," Geto answered.

Gojo then grinned as he threw his arm around his and Geto's missing piece that they'd been searching for for the past couple of months.

"Now, our handsome soulmate, what's your name? I'm Satoru Gojo," Gojo introduces.

"Suguru Geto," Geto introduces himself calmly.

"(Y/n) (L/n)," (Y/n) bluntly replied, clearly showing signs that he wanted nothing to do with the two males in front of him.

The red strings around Geto and Gojo's fingers tightened a little, nearly threatening that it would cut off blood flow in that one specific area.

Geto and Gojo's hearts hammered anxiously against their chests when they realized what the tightening of the strings meant.

It meant that their soulmate wanted nothing to do with them.

Nothing at all.

Geto gulped quietly as the string released its warning sign on his and Gojo's fingers.

The two soulmates could feel their heart crack at the same time knowing that their third soulmate, their missing piece, didn't want either of them.

(Y/n) scans his eyes at the duo in front of him before heavily sighing. "Is that all that you wanted to tell me?" He asks, cutting through the bush to show he clearly didn't want to be in his soulmates' presence.

Wanting to change the topic, Gojo smiled brightly even though he was starting to feel worried in a way.

"How about we all head to a cafe and learn things about one another?" Gojo asks.

(Y/n) sends a sharp glare in Gojo's direction, causing the white-haired male to laugh despite feeling nervous.

Geto stuffs his hands into his pockets and looks between his two soulmates with a small frown on his lips.

"You're unbelievable," (Y/n) grumbled as he turned away and started walking off.

"GWAH! Hey!" Gojo exclaimed, trying to get his and Geto's (H/c)-haired soulmate to stay with them by blocking the way.

(Y/n) tsked quietly in annoyance, but placed a hand on Gojo's shoulder and gently shoved him out of the way.

"Just leave me alone," he grumbled out.

Geto sucked in a breath and decided to speak this time.

"Can we have your number?" Geto asks as hope starts crawling in his chest as he waits for (Y/n)'s attention to be placed on him, and not Gojo.

(Y/n) stops walking, contemplating if he should give the duo behind him his phone number or not so that they could contact one another.

(E/c) hues shift off to the side so that their owner can stare at Geto.

The (H/c)-haired male pursed his lips and stared blankly.

"Pleeeaaaassee?" Gojo pleads loudly, ignoring the stares and whispers that were sent in his direction.

(Y/n) rolled his eyes as he turned toward them, and held his phone out while holding an empty out as well.

"I guess," he muttered.

The trio then shared contacts.

A smile appears on Geto's lips as he stuffs his phone into his pocket once he can get (Y/n)'s contact with Gojo.

"We'll make you fall in love with us... we'll make you want us as your soulmates," Gojo declared.

(Y/n) blinked, surprised at Gojo's declaration before chuckling lowly which surprised the duo in front of him.

"Let's see if you two can capture my heart as my 'soulmates'," the (H/c)-haired male replied.

"Challenge accepted," Geto and Gojo say in sync.

Soulmates | S. Geto + S. Gojo |Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora