Mission: Park Date is a Go!

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"We'll be just over there!" (S/n) claimed as she pointed over at a slide where other children were, before grasping onto (B/n)'s wrist and practically dragging him over in that direction.

(Y/n) sighed heavily at his younger siblings' antics, but chuckled lightly nonetheless since he found their energetic personalities amusing.

Geto, Gojo, and (Y/n) sat on a bench nearby with the named (H/c)-haired male sitting in the middle of the two.

The wind gently blew through the park, causing (Y/n)'s hair to become slightly ruffled and danced about with the breeze that had come through.

His (E/c) hues reminded Geto and Gojo of a sunset due to the many different shades of color that swam inside of them.

Feeling the stares on him, (Y/n) brought his attention to the duo that sat on both sides of him, and saw how they were now looking away from him as if they weren't just originally looking at him.

"You guys really can't be that stupid, you know?" (Y/n) sighed heavily, shaking his head slightly in disappointment.

Gojo scoffed. "Yeah right," he replied.

Geto chuckled lightly. "Sorry, it's just you're really attractive," he compliments.

(Y/n) blinked as he became surprised at the flirty compliment that Geto had decided to try out with him.

"Hmm... I doubt that," the (H/c)-haired male replied.

Gojo then threw an arm over (Y/n)'s shoulder and grinned. "Oh, come on! Suguru's right, you really are attractive!" He agreed to his boyfriend's words about the other half they both shared.

A soured look appeared on (Y/n)'s face as he felt his body slouch forward a little thanks to the weight Gojo had placed on him.

Geto smiles in amusement, watching his two soulmates interact with one another before realizing something.

"Hey, (Y/n)?" Geto finally spoke up, causing Gojo and (Y/n) to look over at him at the same time.

"Yeah, what is it?" (Y/n) questioned.

"It's just... I hope I'm not going into personal information, but... Why do you not like soulmates?" Geto decided to ask.

(Y/n) stared at the raven-haired male, before looking away and in the direction of his younger siblings.

"To be honest? I just never liked them or the system it follows. The connection between soulmates could easily be cut off the second there might be a heavy disagreement between both soulmates," (Y/n) sighed heavily as he fidgeted with his fingers which the duo noticed. "I just don't want to go through that again," he muttered with a small frown on his lips.

'Again?' Gojo and Geto wondered, curious about what the other meant by that but decided not to dig deeper into the situation.

The duo then felt the strings on their fingers tighten up a little which made them realize that (Y/n) must be thinking about something since he currently seemed to be deep in thought with a distant look in his eyes.

(Y/n) seemed to snap out of whatever he was thinking, gently brushing Gojo's arm off of his shoulders as he stood up onto his feet.

"Enough about me. Are you two thirsty?" (Y/n) suddenly asks, breaking the awkwardness that he had accidentally made between the three of them.

"A little," Geto answers with a slight head nod.

"We'll take anything!" Gojo says before Geto can say what he wants to drink.

The (H/c)-haired male stared for a few moments before nodding his head. "I'll be back in a few," he replied before heading off to a nearby vending machine to grab drinks for everyone.

"I wonder what he meant by "again." Don't you find it kinda suspicious, Suguru?" Gojo asks.

Geto sighed as he crossed his arms over his chest. "The system is kind enough to give a second chance to those who had lost their first soulmate over something that wasn't their fault. But, Satoru... Let him tell us at his own pace," he states.

Gojo nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah," he replied.

Off in the distance, (S/n) and (B/n) were keeping a close eye on the soulmates.

"Hm, I wonder what they were talking about," (S/n) dramatically rubbed her chin.

(B/n) sweatdrops at his sister but smiled. "Well, whatever it was... At least it's not awkward anymore," he points out.

"True," (S/n) agreed.

"Do you think Mama was right? That big brother will have them accepted by the festival?" (B/n) asks.

(S/n) clapped her hands together. "He better!" She huffed out. "I like 'em, and I know you do too. They're like the...the–?" The young girl became dot-eyed as she thought of the word.

"Perfect poly couple?" (B/n) piped in.

"Yeah! That!" (S/n) beamed before turning to her brother. "How'd you know that word?"

"Mama said it," (B/n) simply answered.

"Of course, she did."

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