Pretty Boys

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"We promise to be good for Mama!" (S/n) exclaimed happily while gripping the back of (B/n)'s shirt since she knew that he would want to follow after them.

A day had gone by, and here was (Y/n) waiting for both Gojo and Geto to pick him up.

The male had given the duo his number and where he was currently staying before he could forget to give it to them.

(B/n) had his cheeks puffed out in annoyance, but nodded his head in agreement to show that he'd be good too for their mother.

(Y/n) sighed heavily, but gave his younger siblings a smile of relief. He was glad that they were understanding even if he could tell that they wanted to follow him and the others in secret.

(M/n) looked over at her children from where she stood in the kitchen with a warm smile on her lips.

She was listening to the conversation between the three of them and was greatly amused at the fact she knew what the two younger ones were like.

She knew how much they wanted their older brother to find his soulmate...or well, soulmates.

And ever since they came back from the park yesterday, (S/n) and (B/n) couldn't stop talking about Geto and Gojo, talking about how they were pretty and amazing people.

Before (M/n) could say anything and join the conversation, the sound of knocking caused everyone to turn quiet.

(S/n) dragged (B/n) behind her as she started pushing (Y/n) in the direction of the front door.

"We'll see you in a few hours, bye-bye!" (S/n) waved at her older brother before turning around and dragging (B/n) into the kitchen so that they could have their lunch.

(Y/n) sweatdropped at his younger siblings, but shook his head in amusement while looking at the front door for a few moments before deciding to open it.

He could feel both of the red strings act like it was pulsating through his veins, indicating that both of the two males that were supposed to be supposed to be his Soulmates were excited for today.

The second (Y/n) opened the door, his eyes widened a bit in surprise.

Gojo was wearing a black turtleneck sweatshirt with a white coat, a pair of black jeans, along with a pair of white Converse. His sunglasses sat comfortably on the bridge of his nose since he had yet to push them up.

And Geto?

He was also wearing a black turtleneck but he had his collar rolled downward, a pair of blue jeans, along with a pair of black and white Converse. The male also had his usual hair bun up while the rest of his hair cascaded down his shoulders like waves belonging to a waterfall.

The (H/c)-haired male was unsure of what to say to the males in front of him, but to put it into simple terms... He was flabbergasted for sure.

Gojo had a grin on his lips as he waved at the (H/c)-haired male in front of him and Geto.

"Are you ready to head out?" Geto asks, looking at (Y/n) as he takes in the fact that his and Gojo's soulmate was the definition of tall and handsome.

(Y/n) nodded his head as he cleared his throat. "Yeah, I'm ready to head out," he answered.

Gojo nodded his head as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Let's get going then," he piped up with a look of excitement being seen on his face.

(Y/n) and Geto shared a look before following Gojo since he had started walking ahead of them.

The (H/c)-haired male did his best not to stare at the two good-looking males in front of him. However, whenever his eyes landed on the two, his heart would start thumping erratically in his chest which he tried to calm down.

'Damn it! Why are you acting like this?' (Y/n) asked himself, not believing that fact his heart was acting like this.

Geto looked at the male beside him, a small smile being seen on his lips. He was glad that he and Gojo were able to take the male out on a date today.

In a way, yesterday felt like it was their second date and today was their third.

He had taken notice of how (Y/n)'s string that was wrapped around his finger seemed to be struggling with multiple emotions all at once.

To be honest, he didn't blame the taller male since he could tell that the other had difficulty coming to terms that all three of them were soulmates.

His dark-colored hues took notice of how (Y/n)'s eyes also seemed to swim around with those said emotions that he was trying so hard to hide from the outside world.

Gojo's blue eyes drifted up to the sky as he listened to the cars go by him and the two other males behind him.

The white-haired male had planned this date with Geto's help, and the two had agreed to keep the location a secret until they finally reached the place.

A quiet sigh left (Y/n)'s lips as he mentally sulked.

'You damn pretty boys.' He had thought.

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