Nosy Squirts

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"Bye!" Gojo shouts as he waves a hand in (Y/n)'s direction.

Geto simply waved with a gentle smile being seen on his lips.

(Y/n) sighed quietly, doing his best to not try and smile as he waved back at the duo he had to split up with.

Geto and Gojo had walked him to his parent's house, and to be honest...he found it kinda sweet.

Once inside of the house, (Y/n) closed the door behind him.

"I'm home!" The (H/c)-haired male says as he slides his shoes off, placing them near a wall just to slide on slippers.

"WAHH! Big brother's home!" A young boy shouted in excitement from the living room.

"(N/n)! (N/n)!" A young girl chanted.

(Y/n) quietly chuckled as he watched his little sister and brother come sliding out of the living room.

"You're home!" The two young kids shouted before jumping into the awaiting male's arms.

(Y/n) twirled a bit, receiving joys of laughter from the duo.

"Welcome home, (Y/n)!" A very familiar woman's voice was heard being greeted from the kitchen.

"Ah, I'm glad to be home, Mom," the (H/c)-haired male says as he enters the kitchen with his two siblings in his arms.

"(S/n)! (B/n)! What do you think you're doing to your older brother?!" (M/n) scolded when she noticed that her two youngest were clinging onto their older brother like damned monkeys to a tree.

"Welcoming him home, of course!" (B/n) exclaimed.

"Yeah!" (S/n) immediately agreed.

"Hm... What's for tonight?" (Y/n) curiously asks.

"Hmph! Katsudon, of course."

"Katsudon! Katsudon!" (S/n) and (B/n) chanted in sync.

(M/n) then turned back to cooking. "Anything special happened today?" She asks.

"Ah... I met my soulmates," (Y/n) answered.

The next thing that could be heard was crickets due to how quiet the room had gotten.

(S/n) and (B/n) stared at their older brother with gaped mouths.

(M/n) had a wide smile on her lips before realizing something. "Soulmates?" She repeated, taking notice that her son had spoken of two soulmates and not one.

"Son, do you mean you have two soulmates?" (M/n) asked in surprise.

"Eh? Big brother has two?" (S/n) gasped out.

"Double the love!" (B/n) shouts, throwing his hands into the air.

(Y/n) placed his younger siblings down, allowing them both to run into the living room.

"No running!" (Y/n) warns.

"Sorry, big brother!" The younger kids shouted apologetically.

(Y/n) sighed heavily as he entered the kitchen. "Yeah, I mean two soulmates," he replied as he sat at one of the kitchen seats that were unmoved against the table.

(M/n) hummed softly, a sad look appearing on her face.

"And your views on soulmates, have they changed yet?" She asks.

(Y/n) shook his head. "No," he answered.

(M/n) looked over her shoulder at her son and chuckled. "Maybe those two could change your mind," she replied.

"I doubt that," (Y/n) grumbled with a sigh leaving his lips.


The said male jolted a bit when he heard his first name.

Slowly, he turned his head in his mother's direction.

(M/n) had turned the stove off to turn toward her son while fixing four bowls of katsudon on the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"You might not see it now, but I have a feeling that those soulmates of yours are going to try everything to let you realize that it's alright for you to love your chosen people," (M/n) states.

(Y/n) lowered his gaze to the table in front of him, not knowing what to say.

"I wouldn't be surprised that by the end of the month, you'll be in love with both of them."

The (H/c)-haired male's eyes widened. "You the time of the festival?" He asks, looking over at his mother in surprise.

(M/n) nodded her head. "Or maybe even earlier than that," she adds.

Before (Y/n) could say something, two sets of arms flung around him.

"Big brother, we wanna know what your soulmates' names are!" (S/n) exclaimed.

"Yeah! What do they look like and what's their favorite food?" (B/n) joined into the questioning.

"Mom..." (Y/n) pleaded, just to receive an amused smile.

"It was those two boys who walked you home, weren't they?" She teasingly asked.

"Not you too!" (Y/n) exclaimed in disbelief.

"But like I said, (Y/n)... You'll learn to love them," (M/n) says softly, "And I'll grant it by the time of the festival it'll be that way."

'The festival, huh? You're really weird, Mom...' (Y/n) thought.

Soulmates | S. Geto + S. Gojo |Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ