Chapter 5: Do You Really Want To Hurt Me?

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It's bad.

My parents' relationship has only deteriorated. I've never seen them quite like this before. They always argued, but my mother hasn't slept in their room for almost two weeks now.

This is unprecedented for mates, I think. Not that I have much experience in such matters, but I'd hazard a guess this is not normal.

It seems like my father is trying to win an arm wrestle against my mother, but neither of them are winning. He is certainly not.

Lately he's been grumpier than ever, if that's even possible. He's been giving me a hard time to apply myself in training, but I already survived a sadistic psycho. I don't know what else he can possibly want from me...

In reality, I have been doing great with my new sparring partner. We really hit it off since he's the closest to my age. For once in my lifetime, I actually stopped dreading going to train every morning.

I still don't like it and would prefer to be doing something else entirely, but it is what it is. I don't have a choice, which is mostly what's getting into my mother's nerves.

She feels unheard of in her relationship. So do I, obviously, but I'm only the son. She is supposed to be an equal partner to him.

I hate to be caught in between them, but that's not my responsibility. I don't have a mate to account to.

All I have right now is my will to live and move forward the best way I can while contemplating how am I ever going to get away from here...

And especially away from my overbearing father.

Sometimes I feel guilty about not wanting to follow in his footsteps, but I can't will myself to want his position. The amount of pressure he's always under is mind-blowing to me.

He has to account for every single life inside the reservation. That's way more than I can handle. I can barely figure out my own life.

I'm only 17 years old. This shouldn't be on me. It's summer. I should be having fun with my friends or making out with some hot unmated boy... *sighs*

It's minutes before noon. I'm currently under my sparring partner as he's teaching me how to escape a choke hold, except he's not really choking me, just pretending.

"You need to disarm me, K. You can't let me have the upper hand and you have minutes before you lose consciousness." - He lectured as his arm wrapped around my neck. He was behind me and I was sweating profusely from the intense workout.

I tried to move his steel like arm, but no dice. He's too strong for me.

"How am I supposed to disarm you if you're behind me? Am I supposed to bite your arm off of me?" - I asked, grunting in annoyance.

He laughed at my question.

"If you could shift, maybe that would be a good idea..." - He smirked and I scowled.

"Thank you for that." - I grunted, angrily. I elbowed him and he winced in pain, releasing me from his arms.

"Ouch!" - He grimaced as I turned around to face him.

"Well, at least I got you away from me, didn't I? I was starting to get too hot!" - I said, fanning myself.

"Yes, that was the objective. But maybe tone it down the force next time. I wasn't really choking you." - He complained, glaring at me.

"Sorry, if you want to cuddle, you should go to your mate." - I snickered. He glared so many daggers at me that I got uncomfortable.

"Do you see any marking on me?" - He asked as he removed his shirt. I blushed seeing his ripped naked torso.

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