Chapter 50: Can I Be Him

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It's not that I can feel when my brother and his mate have sex, I get flash waves of how Beck is feeling. Sad, angry, horny... I get it all. So when he is getting busy with his (other) mate, I am reminded against my will that he is my mate too.

I try to put it out of my mind, naturally. I don't want that image in my head, furthest from it.

But that's not exactly how the mate bond works. It is relentless. I just choose to ignore that kind of feeling for my own personal mental health, that's the Goddess honest truth.

Speaking of which, have you ever heard your parent saying that famous phrase:

'This is going to hurt me more than it'll hurt you.'

It turns out that when my mate is reminded of the terrible things I did to him, I feel his pain. Yeah, exactly. The punching, the kicking, the bullying... everything I put him through I feel it.

It gives a new sense to the saying: 'walk a mile on someone else's shoes'.

I'm not walking on his shoe, I am him walking the damn shoe and I'm not happy about it!

Pain like I never felt before irradiated my body. If this is how I'm feeling without the bond completing connection my brother has, I can only imagine how Jude is feeling...

When you complete the bond, it not only links you to your mate forever, it also strengthens the link between the two souls. For that reason, whatever I feel from my mate, Jude feels it even more intensely.

No wonder the pack has strict laws regarding mates because if you do anything against someone, their mate is gonna feel like it was against them. Even the anger Beck felt towards me, I felt it too.

It's a conundrum, but that's what sustains a mated couple together for decades.

If one is angry, the other will feel it too. If one is sad, the other will comfort. And if one is horny, the other will get too and satisfy that urge. Communication, folks. The secret to a successful relationship.

I'd much rather my mate did not communicate everything that he's going through, but neither of us have choices in the matter. We are werewolves. This is how it goes. That's why when my mother gets sad, so does my dad.

I heard people talking about Kingsley pulling off a heated threesome inside the locker room and my jaw dropped to the floor. Damn! That 's some heat! They weren't even gay, the boys he was kissing. But then again, neither was Bode when he got entangled with a heat stricken omega.

Heat is unforgiving, both to the omega in question and to whoever stands close to them. If you breathe in the pheromones, you're done for. Only other omegas are immune from it. But if you're [mated and] marked, then you can resist it.

Heat isn't supposed to affect mated people because it's meant to attract unattached suitors. And if you're lucky, your own mate to complete the bond. That's when things get really interesting... *naughty grin*

Goddess protects me from this. I may be lonely, that's true, but not to the point of wanting to get an omega pregnant. This child would suffer like Layla did, if not worse by carrying my last name. I'd never live that scandal down and my reputation would be tarnished forever.

No, thanks. I'm not THAT horny. At least, not for now. But still I don't want anyone else.

All I could ever dream is to be close to the sweetest scent I've ever smelled.

My parents have been trying to keep me afloat in regards to my chances for Alpha. Right now is looking more like a long shot. And by long, I mean a mile long. The longest. *sighs*

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