49 - Compassion

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Nao / Rosalin's Point of View

My lungs hurt. It feels like they're being prickled inside by needles of ice, every gasp and breath comes out like a pained wheeze.

I look down at the goblin underneath me, slowly splintering apart, with its eyes rolled back, and my knife sunk into its throat. Warm red blood still sprays out from its throat, and soaks my hands again.

I look up to the chaos around me, goblins that charge against us heedlessly, orcs slowly wandering towards us, and worst of all, the minotaurs. Not slow like the orcs, and actually thinks over the actions unlike the goblins. Not that it detracts from their eager to kill us.

Theodore glances towards me, and while stepping in to attack one of the orcs getting within range, he stomps down on one of the goblins, making it screech out in pain as just his step makes its shoulder break and additionally crushes part of its ribs on the way down.

I get up on my shaky legs, and pull the knife out of the goblin I killed. 

I have to keep close to Theodore.

In a jump, as Theodore moves his foot, sinking his sword into the orc's gut, as I sink my knife into the temple of the injured goblin. Another wave of nausea rushes over me. No matter how many times I do this, the feeling of the knife hitting flesh or skull feels just as disgusting, but I need to do this to survive. Theodore doesn't have time to perfectly kill everything. 

Droplets of sweat and blood drip from my chin down onto the goblin, and the lightheadedness warns me that if I keep pushing it, I'll probably pass out - but there's no choice right now, and thankfully adrenaline is rushing around my body like crazy.

Theodore's sword cuts the orc's guts open, and as the guts fall out, blood squirts outs, like someone squishing a juice block, and the warm orc blood sprays across my face and down my shoulder, onto my already deeply blood stained clothes.

I look to one of the goblins approaching, and try to get up. I vaguely remember how worried that the knights had been about approaching Theodore's aura, but the goblins here don't have a smidgen of that fear in them. They don't care. Not even about the pain.

The goblin screeches at me, as it finally meets with Theodore's aura, and if it wasn't because I'd spent the last hour like this, then I would have vomited- again.

The moment the red aura and the goblin touch, its green skin almost sizzles. It's like the goblin is being sanded down like a piece of wood against sand paper, ripping off skin and revealing muscles and flesh.

Theodore shifts, and grabs the defragmenting body of the goblin I finished off, and throws it at the new goblin, like the dead goblin was a baseball, then barely stabilizes himself before slicing another one apart from head to toe.

The ground trembles... but not because of Theodore.

One of the minotaurs steps up, and Theodore moves me behind him as it closes in. A blue steam of what's probably mana, escapes Theodore's body, and from the eye shield of the helmet, a blue glow emanates.

I look behind the Minotaur, and feel a chill crawl over my skin.

This is bad.

We've been split from the others.

How long have we been split?

Did Theodore not notice... or was there nothing we could do?

I look to Claudius and Asten, staying close and protecting each other, Johannes, who's in the air, burning and blasting the mass of goblins, orcs and minotaurs trying to climb on top of each other to get him, and toss stones at him, but even Johannes looks exhausted, and once in a while, his flight magic wavers. I can't see Mia.

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