4 - God Chosen

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I made my mind up about the knight. I'll deal with finding out about him until after I find out how to undo the spell. I'm not sure how I made it a zombie in the first place, but that means undoing it should be pretty easy.

Let's start with something simple and intuitive, we can even imagine it. Keep the image of the knight crumbling in mind with magic flowing out of it?...

"...cancel rise dead?"

I look expectingly at the zombie knight, but he still stands there, shifting lightly once in a while...

I'm a bit disappointed, but it might just be the wrong key phrase. I feel like the intention should be enough for beginners, perhaps with a simple phrase. It wouldn't really match how I turned him into a zombie in the first place.

"Cancel magic"


"Sink undead?"

I stare at the zombie that stands calmly and completely unaffected at my bad pun... at least there's no one else here to see it. The only problem is that this is beginning to seem like a guessing game.

"Then what about dismiss minion? Oh Rest In Peace my minion? Sleep. Disband. Dismiss. Unsummon. Return to dust... Daed esiar?"

I blurt out a long number of options, some a more theatrical, others by trying to use commands you'd find in games, putting in my will and thought to get it back to just a corpse.

Finally the zombie freezes entirely.

Then shifts it's weight... still staring as blankly straight into the air as it did before, now with a feeling of 'are you serious? Did you really think that would work?'

I let out a heavy sigh, and stare at the zombie knight disapprovingly. I know I'm just projecting my feelings onto him, but it makes up slightly for my frustration. Still, why doesn't it work? I cross my arms and observe him. I think I came with some pretty good suggestions, but clearly I'm lacking something. Perhaps gestures?... then again, the moment you add gestures it becomes a slippery slope to weird ritualistic and humiliating dances. Is there another way to find out how to undo the magic?

That blue level up screen is gone now, but if there is a skill system and popups, then there might be a skill menu too, right? If there is, then perhaps there are hints in the skill description.

"Open skill window"

A bright blue screen actually appears in front of me. I'm a little bit surprised that I got it in one try after speaking meaningless words at the knight for a while. It actually brings the list of skills and their levels, though it only includes necromancy at level 5... why aren't there any other skills? I literally have a sewing kit with me, but no sewing skill?

I shake my head. I'll worry about this another time.

Didn't I have some 'sub-skills' or something? I don't even see raise dead here. If it's an ability under a sub-skill, then they're referring to it being under the necromancy skill right?

I lift my hand so as to try to push on the Necromancy skill, but the Necromancy skill glows for a moment before changing screens. Seems like I won't need to interact with my hands and maybe even without speech.

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