60 - The second loss

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Rosalin's Point of View

Johannes, now unfrozen realizes that Mia is somewhere else than where he last registered her, and almost drops to his knees to hug Mia closely, as he sees her shattered state, clutching her tightly, like he hopes that will snap her out of it.

"What happened, Mia?!"

Mia goes quiet instantly at Johannes' touch, probably horrified that her love interests are seeing her like this.

No... maybe that's incorrect.

If I think back on Henrietta's words to the knights about Mia's benefits to the country, and then Seid's words that this would all be over if Mia was sacrificed... then Mia's position with them changes drastically.

These people decide what Mia's future is. Her safety depends not only on defeating the demon lord, but convincing them that she's worth all the losses up until the demon lord is defeated. I suppose one such worth is their affection... because people would hesitate killing someone they love.

Claudius, much calmer than Johannes, kneels down by Mia's side and puts his hand over Mia's. While I can't quite see their expressions in the dark and at the distance... but Claudius' words sound so unsurprised that I'm not sure why we went on this journey in the first place.

"It is fine, Mia. No saintess or person has managed to gain Seid's blessing in the history of the kingdom."

Even if the words sound caring, the true meaning disturbs me as much.

He never did think she'd get the blessing...

Wallis kneels down by Mia's other side, and puts his hand over Mia's other hand.

"It's true. Seid hates humans. He always speaks harshly and cruelly to those who speak to him."

...I'd argued against that before... that Seid hated humans... but perhaps it is partly true with everything that has happened. Not because of what humans are, but because they keep killing his children, and because they, in some ways, prevented his children from getting peace.

Something like that.

Especially the saintess.

Mia hiccups, and then starts crying softly... and they show her such kindness, even if they don't know why she's sad... or rather... without knowing that she's crying because she got scolded.

If she was a child, then babying her like this might nullify the scolding instead.

I look to Asten and Henrietta, that watch Mia quietly, and then Asten that puts a hand on her shoulder. Only Henrietta stays at a part distance, briefly looks towards me, and then away again.

I hold in a sigh, and then turn around to leave the cathedral, only to hear my name called by no one else than Mia.

"Did he bless you? You completed one of the tests he said he gave me!"

I look over my shoulder, to find myself the center of attention. While I can see nothing but their dark silhouettes, it tells me enough. They're watching me closely... and in this darkness, they almost look like the monsters instead.

I don't feel particularly comfortable with sharing what just happened, or that I have the blessing. 

"...even if I fulfilled the conditions by accident, there's no way he'd give a blessing to someone when he has never even given it to a saintess." I try to say it half jokingly and politely at the same time. It's technically not a lie, right? So Johannes won't trigger on it, right?

"That's right, Mia. There's no way a woman like her would get a blessing," Johannes actually supports my words, but insults me at the same time.

I want to roll my eyes, but just turn away again and walk out of the cathedral, and look towards the castle. In a moment of curiosity I turn on soul sight, and what meets my eyes is far different than before.

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